전자무역지원을 위한 개정 대외무역법회 내용과 문제점

The Evaluation and Some Problems for System-Transformation of Foreign Trade Law in Korea

  • 한상현 (강남대학교 경제통상학부 겸임교수)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


본 연구는 정부의 전자상거래 활성화 종합대책의 일환으로 산업자원부가 추진하여 2000년 6월 17일 입법 공고되어 2001년 3월부터 시행된 대외무역법의 디지털제품(온라인거래)의 수출이입실적 인정 및 전자무역중개기관도입 관련조항 등의 개정내용을 중심으로 전자무역지원법령으로의 대외무역법이 개정되는 의미를 평가하고, 개정 내용의 조문에 나타난 문제점을 구체적으로 지적함으로써 실무자들로 하여금 적용상의 유의점들을 제시하고 향후 입법의 방향을 제시하는데 일조함을 목적으로 한다.

Years in preparation, the revised law on Foreign Trade Law of Korea came into effect on March 1, 2001, adopted at the Congress on June 17, 2000. The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the growth of the national economy by means of contriving to maintain the balance of international payments and to expand commerce, and through promoting foreign trade and establishing fair trade system. Particular, revised Foreign Trade Law of Korea shall be based on the general provisions on transactions of exports or imports and measures for promotion of electronic Trade. Because electronic trade is not bound by physical geography provides a fundamentally new way of conducting commercial transactions, therefore Korea importers and exporters need to be aware of the character and problems that may occure from what was above-mentioned revised Foreign Trade Law of Korea. In the thesis, i tried to explain and survey the character and evaluation of revised Foreign Trade Law in Korea with particular attention to revised frameworks for electronic commerce on focus legal and commercial problems.
