- 2000년 제왕절개 분만실태 국민건강보험공단
- 보건학논집 v.36 no.1 정보의 실패와 보건의료정책 권순만
- 보건경제연구 v.5 no.1 의료수가규제의 파급효과에 대한 비교정태분석;정상분만과 제왕절개 김진현
- 예방의학회지 v.25 no.3 제왕절개율의 지역간 변이와 관련요인에 대한 연구 김혜경;이정운;박강원;문옥륜
- 데일리메디 홈페이지 한국여성 정상분만 선호 데일리메디
- 보건행정학회지 v.1 no.1 제왕절개율의 지역간 변이에 영향을 미치는 의료기관 특성요인 분석 안형식;권영대;이영성;김명기;김용익;신영수
- 예방의학회지 v.26 no.3 편도적출술 및 아데노이드제거술과 충수절제술의 지역별 변이 이홍기;문옥륜;이기효
- 정책분석의 정치경제 전상경
- 예방의학회지 v.31 no.4 임산부의 분만방법 결정과정과 만족도 전혜리;박정한;박순우;허창규;황순규
- 조선일보 홈페이지 내일병원폐업 수술취소 잇따라 조선일보
- 보건행정학회지 v.1 no.1 소규모 지역간 의료이용의 차이에 관한 문헌고찰 조우현;김한중
- 의사의 일반적 특성이 제왕절개 분만율에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 조은희
- 한국여성민우회 세미나 한국의 출산의료화의 현실;여성.산모.환자로서의 출산경험을 중심으로 하정옥
- 위험한 탄생 한겨레 21
- Medical Care v.33 no.4 The effects of physician factors on the cesarean section decision Burns LR;Geller SE;Wholey DR
- American Journal of Public Health v.85 no.5 Racial/Ethnic difference in the likelihood of cesarean delivery,California Braveman P;Egerter S;Edmonston F;Verdon M
- American Journal of Public Health v.88 no.5 Increased cesarean section rated and emerging patterns of health insurance in Shanghai, China Cai W;Marks J;Chen C;Zhuang Y;Morris L;Harris J
- Takemi program in international health Cesarean sections in Mexican metropolitan areas;Why are the rates high? Cardense R.
- Health Policy v.35 The ambiruous relationship between practice variation and appropriateness of care;an agenda for further research Casparie AF
- Halth Service Research v.28 Effects of the relative fee structure on the use of surgical operations Escarce JJ
- Soc. Sic. Med v.37 no.10 Cesarean section in Britain and the United States 12% or 24%;is either the right rare? Francome C;Savage W
- Am. J. Obstes. Gynecol v.156 no.2 Temporal variation in rates of cesarean section for dystocia;does convenience play a role? Fraser W;Usher R;Mclean F;Bossenberry C;Thomson M;Kramer M;Smith L;Power H
- Rand Journal of Economics v.27 physician finansial incentive and cesarean section delivery Gruber J;Owings M
- Journal of Health Economics v.18 physician fdd and procedure intensity;the case of cesarean delivery Gruber J;Kim J;Mayzlin D
- Agency for Health Care policy and Research Variation in the use of cesarean sections Heilbrunn JZ;Park RE
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health v.48 What is the optimal cesarean section rate?;an outcome based study of existing variation Joffe M;Chapple J;Patercon C;Beard R
- Health Srvice Research v.32 no.4 Adjusting cesarean delivery rates for case mix Keeler EB;Park R;Bell R;Gifford D;Keesey J
- JAMA v.272 no.7 Socioeconomic factors and the odds of vaginal birth cesarean dellivery King DE;Lahiri K
- Journal of Health Economics v.18 A re-examination of the meaning and importance of supplier-induced demand Labelle R;Stoddart G;Rice T
- Preventive Medecine v.25 Cesaean section rates by type of maternal unit and livel of obstetric care;an area-based study in central Italy Lallo D;Perucci C;Bertollini R;Mallone S
- JAMA v.283 no.14 The public release of performance data Marchall MN
- The Journal of Reproductive Medicine v.34 no.6 Ractors associated with hospital-specific cesarean birth rates Newton ER;Higgins CS
- Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol v.170 no.2 Cesarean section delivery in the 1980s;International comparison by indication Notzon FC;Cnattingius S;Bergsjo P;Cole S;Taffel S;Irgens L;Daltveit A
- Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol v.172 no.6 Cesaean birth;How tp reduce the rate Paul RH;Miller DA
- Journal of Economic Perspective v.6 no.3 Diffusion of information in medical care Phelps C
- American Journal of Public Health v.84 no.1 Cesarean section and operative vaginal delivery in low-risk primiparous women, Western Australia Read AW;Prendiville W;Dawes V;Stanley F
- Health Policy v.55 Ethnical dilemmas in communicating medical information to the public Resnik DB
- Soc. Sci. Med v.37 no.10 Medically unnecessary cesarean section births;introduction to a symposium Sakala C
- Soc. Sci. Med v.37 no.10 Cesarean section;Medecal benefits and costs Shearer EL
- American Journal of Public Health v.80 no.3 Cesarean section use and source of payment;an analysis of California hospital discharge abstracts Stafford RS
- JAMA v.265 no.5 Alternative strategies for controlling rising cesarean section rate Stafford RS
- JAMA v.265 no.1 The impact of nonclinical factors on repeaat cesarean section Stafford RS
- Health Service Research v.29 no.1 Health Maintenance Organizations, Independent Practice Associations, and cesarean section rates Tussing AD;Wojtowycz MA