차원간 연관관계와 하이퍼그래프 분할법을 이용한 범주형 속성을 가진 데이터의 클러스터링

Clustering Data with Categorical Attributes Using Inter-dimensional Association Rules and Hypergraph Partitioning

  • 이성기 (한양대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 윤덕균 (한양대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


Clustering in data mining is a discovery process that groups a set of data such that the intracluster similarity is maximized and intercluster similarity is minimized. The discovered clusters from clustering process are used to explain the characteristics of the data distribution. In this paper we propose a new methodology for clustering related transactions with categorical attributes. Our approach starts with transforming general relational databases into a transactional databases. We make use of inter-dimensional association rules for composing hypergraph edges, and a hypergraph partitioning algorithm for clustering the values of attributes. The clusters of the values of attributes are used to find the clusters of transactions. The suggested procedure can enhance the interpretation of resulting clusters with allocated attribute values.
