A Study on the Princess Line by Body Types (Part I) - Focused on Body Types of A & H -

  • Kim, Sook-Jung (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University) ;
  • Suh, Mi-A (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


The main purpose is to study lines on different body types and to disguise any imperfections by using diverse princess lines. We separated festers body shapes into specific body types, A, H by applying both the direct and the indirect measurements. Following are the results of the study: 1. nose are the resulting illusion effects when the shoulder width of the princess line was fixed. In case of the armhole princess line, the illusion that the waist intervals were narrow or wide in A-line silhouette. In case the shoulder princess line, when the waist interval was narrow, it appeared to show narrow shoulder in A-line silhouette. While the wide waist interval shows the wide shoulder width in H-line silhouette. It regards body type H in the same light as H-line silhouette when the waist interval is narrow, it appeared to show narrow shoulder width in A-line silhouette. When the waist interval was wide, it appeared to give the narrow shoulder width. 2. When the princess lines waist width was fixed in order to study illusion effects of waist widths. Generally, for body type A, Whether the waist interval princess line is narrow or wide, the princess line is located comparatively wide, in A-line silhouette appeared to show relatively slender waist. For body type H, whether the waist interval is narrow or wide, the princess line us situated comparatively narrow interval, H-line silhouette appeared to show sum waist but the differences are not significant 3. The illusion of the hip were studied by fixating the width of the skirt and varying the locations of princess line and waist widths. For the location of both armhole and shoulder princess line in H and A-line silhouette, the narrow shoulder width and the waist appeared to show narrow hips. mile they are wide appeared to show wide hips. 4. With both waist and skirt width fuel, all two body types showed taller and slender postures when the princess line originated from the shoulder compare to the armhole.
