- 교통개발연구 v.2 no.1 수송시간과 신뢰성이 화주의 물류의사결정에 미치는 영향 권오경
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- 第28回 土木計劃學シンポジウム 社會基盤としての 都市內物流システム 土木計劃學硏究委員會
- International Journal of Logistics:Research and Application v.2 no.2 The effect of traffic congestion on the efficiency of logistical operations Alan Mckinnon
- Transportation Research B v.19B no.5 The importance of time in transit and reliability of transit time for shipper,receiver, and carriers Allen,W.B;Mahmoud,M.M;McNeil,D
- TRR v.496 Environmental impact of goods movement activity in New York city Arrow,Michale.M;Coyle,James J;Brian Ketcham
- Journal of Operation Management v.6 no.2 The effect of lead-time variability: The case of independent demand Bagchi,U;Hayya,J.C;Chu,C
- Transport Logistics v.1 no.3 Strategies to reduce the use of energy by road freight transport in city Brown,M;Allem,J
- Transportation Research v.29A no.6 Using small truck to circumvent large truck restriction: Impacts on the emissions and performance measure Campbell,James F
- TRR v.668 Urban goods consolidation terminal investment and location decision Clark,Gordon M
- TRR v.496 The role of terminal consolidation in urban goods distribution Dennis,R.McDermott;James,F.Robeson
- TRR v.496 Some fallacies in urban goods movement Eric Mohr
- TRR v.1038 Urban Freight Practice-An Evaluation of Selected Examples Habib,Philip A
- TRR v.591 Economic approach to allocating curb space for urban goods movement Habib,Philip.A;Crowley,Kenneth W
- Transportation Research A v.30 no.3 Pickup and delivery system overnight carriers Hall,Randolph.W
- Traffic Eng.Control v.19 no.1 Freight planningin London:The existing system and its problem Hasell,B;Foulkes,M;Robertson,J
- Urban freight in : Urban transportation economics Hicks,S;D.Hensher(ed)
- Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies v.2 no.6 A simulation model of the delivery truck's movement in the CBD of ASAKA Hiroshi,T;Yan,L;Fumitada,O;Tomoaki,N
- TRR v.496 Estimating urban goods movement demands Hutchinson,B.G
- Journal of Business Logistics v.16 no.1 Using the gamma distribution to model demand when lead time is random Keaton,M
- European Journal of Operational Research v.59 The vehicle routing problem: An overview of exact and approximate algorithms Laporte,G
- TRR v.496 Canadian studies of urban goods movement - A status report Lea,Norman D;Hartman,John R
- TRR v.591 Aspect of demand for urban goods mevement in city centers Lobel,Samy A;Crowley,Kenneth W
- Transportation Res.Record v.496 A framework for the analysis of demand for urban goods movement Meyburg,Arnim,H;Stopher,Peter R
- Transportation Planning and Technology v.8 A Framework for urban freight policy analysis Ogden,K.W
- TRR v.496 Some fallacies in urban goods movement Mohr,Eric
- TRR v.496 Consolidation of urban goods movement: A critical analysis Richard de Neufville;Nigel H.M.Wilson;Louis Fuertes
- TRR v.591 Demand for urban goods vehicle trips Slavin,Haward L
- Operation Research v.35 no.2 Algorithms for the vehicle routing and scheduling problems with time window constraints Solomon,M.M
- TRR v.496 Forecasting urban truck trips in the united kingdom Starkie,D.N.M
- TRR v.496 Can resional planning improve truck transportation? Sullivan,Edward C
- Transport Logistics v.1 no.4 The utilization of commercial vehicle in urban areas Taylor,S.Y;Ogden,K.W
- Transport Logistics v.1 no.2 Area-wide inter-carrier consolidation of freight in urban area Toshinori Nemoto
- Logistics and Transportation Review v.27 no.4 The inventory theoretic approach in transportation selection models: A critical review Tyworth,J.E
- Journal of Business Logistics v.13 no.2 Modeling transportation-inventory trade-offs in a stochastic setting Tyworth,J.E
- Transportation Research A v.32 no.2 Estimating the effects of carrier transit-time performance on logistics cost and service Tyworth,J.E;Zeng,A.Z
- TRR v.496 Basic data needs for urban goods movement analysis Wood,R.T
- Transportation Planning and Technology v.7 Urban goods movement research: Canadian experience in the seventies Wood,W.G;Suen,L;Ebrahim,A
- Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies v.2 no.6 A study on modeling of truck's behavior and policy analysis of transportation system management in C.B.D Yoji,T;Tetsuro,H;Hirohito,K
- TRR v.591 Suggested approach to urban goods movement and transportation planning Zavattero. David A