전통 애니메이션에 입각한 3D 컴퓨터 애니메이션의 접근

3D Computer Animation Approach based on Traditional Animation Principle

  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


It is true that the new development in digital technology has Influenced on the definition of animation like it did on the other fields of an, but this doesnt mean this development drastically changes the traditional concept and replaces it with innovative new one. The more the technology is being developed, the mon it needs traditional base that can lead it to what it originally should be. As an example, computer animation companies are constantly seeking for people who have traditional animation background rather than well-trained computer oriented artists. This means digital technology will be no more a technological threat to the people who has traditional animation background. Consequently, when considering the extended concept caused by this new technology, we have to find its base on the traditional animation concept. Since we dont have any fundamental base in traditional animation and technological base in computer animation, we should consider those in advanced countries as a standard. However, in these days, there is a tendency to worship the words themselves such as "digital revolution", "information technology" etc., not the basics behind them. We cannot expect any achievement with this in mind. This study might be a short cut to the students and animators who want to learn and approach computer animation in a right wav.
