개화기 조혼 담론의 가족윤리의식의 함의

An Implied Meaning of Family Ethics Consciousness of Early Marriage Discourse During the Enlightenment Period of Korea

  • 전미경 (동국대학교 가정교육과 시간강사)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


The purpose of this study is to explore an implied meaning of family ethics consciousness from the interpretation of early marriage discourse during the enlightenment period of Korea. For the analysis, the estimated time frame of the enlightenment period wile be from 1860 to 1910 that was the time when the Japanese annexed Korea. The discourse of newspapers, Shinsoseols and magazines which are the text of the study have been analysed with the qualitative research technique. The major findings were as follows: 1. The intellects stated that the traditional practice of early marriage should be abolished, and should be replaced by a marriage that the groom and the bride dually agree upon. This argument meant that marriage was not an event for the parents or the family, but a life event for the couples themselves. 2. The practice of early marriage was criticized as it was one of the main reason of making marital relationship miserable. Also it was stated that the children could not follow the role of husband and wife. The importance of marital relationship was emphasized with the recognition that the marital relationship was the basic relationship within family and society. 3. The discourse, criticizing the parents'behavior that enforced the early marriage of children, stated that the children should not be the possession of parents but the public being of society. 4. The discourse also stated that the society and the parents should recognize their children as the human being to be protected from the early marriage which would result in physical damage of their children. Also the discourse asserted the rights of the children including their rights of education. The childhood were being formed in these discourses.
