- 지질학회지 v.33 호남전단대의 운동시기에 관한 소고 권성택;이진한
- 암석학회지 v.5 장군봉 일대 선캠브리아대-고생대 변성퇴적암류의 다변성작용-북부 소백산육괴의 중앙부 지역의 지각진화와 환경지질- 김기영;김형식;오창환;박찬수;강지훈;류영복
- 지질학회지 v.26 한국 쥬라기의 고지자기 김광호;남기상;이정후
- 안동도폭 지질보고서 김봉균;이하영;김수진;정지곤
- 김천 도폭 (1/5만) 김상욱;양승녕;이윤종
- 광산지질 v.4 한국의 신기 화강암류의 관입시기와 지각변동 김옥준
- 광산지질 v.26 장군광산 주변의 변성이질암에서의 누진변성반응 계열 안건상;정현희;이현구
- 암석학회지 v.4 춘양 화강암체 주변 두음리층에 산출하는 십자석-흑운모-홍주석-석류석 광물조합 양판석;조문섭
- 1998년도 공동학술발표회 발표논문 요약집 김천남부에 분포하는 화강섬록암류의 지구화학적 특성 윤현수
- 지질학회지 v.30 남한의 중생대 화강암에 대한 각섬석 지압계와 지각 두께의 변화 조등룡;권성택
- 동위원소지질연구 연구보고서 KR 87-27 영남육괴 Rb/Sr 연대 측정 연구 (Ⅳ) 주승환
- 지질학회지 v.35 소백산육괴 동북부 영주-춘양지역의 트라이아스기말-쥬라기초 화강암체의 열사 및 그 지구조적 의의 진명식;장보안
- 98기관고유 연차보고서 한반도 지각변형연구 황재하;최위찬;이병주;박기화;최영섭;조등룡;송교영;진명식;이봉주;조진동;이상규;황세호;황학수;박인화;이호영
- Nature v.360 Tilt and northward offset of Cordilleran batholiths resolved using igneous barometry Ague, J.J.;Brandon, M.T.
- Geology v.25 Thermodynamic calculation of emplacement pressures for batholithic rocks, California: Implications for the aluminum-in-hornblende barometer Ague, J.J.
- Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. v.108 Regional tilt of the Mount Stuart batholith, Washington, determinated using aluminum-in-hornblende barometry: Implications for northward translation of Baja British Columbia Ague, J.J.;Brandon, M.T.
- Am. Min. v.80 The effects of temperature and oxygen fugacity on the Al-in-hornblende barometer Anderson, J.L.;Smith, D.R.
- Royal Soc. Edin. Trans. v.87 Status of thermobarometry in granitic batholiths Anderson, J.L.
- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. v.104 Calcic amphibole equilibria and a new amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer Blundy, J.D.;Holland, T.Jr.
- Korean Inst. Mining Geol. Relative timing of shear zone formation and pluton emplacement in the Yechon shear zone, Korea Chang, T.W.
- Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.27 On the microstructure of mylonitic rocks - with special reference to Yechon shear zone, Korea - Chang, T.W.
- Tectonophysics v.194 Indosinian dextral ductile fault system and synkinematic plutonism in the southwest of the Ogcheon belt (South Korea) Cluzel, D.;Lee, B.J.;Cadet, J.P.
- Can. Jour. Earth Sci. v.28 Hornblende geobarometry of the Nelson batholith, southeastern British Columbia: tectonic implications Ghent, E.D.;Nicholls, J.;Simony, P.S.;Sevigny, J.H.;Stout, M.Z.
- Am. Min. v.71 Aluminum in hornblende: An empirical igneous geobarometer Hammarstrom, J.M.;Zen, E-an
- Contrib. Mineral Petrol. v.116 Non-ideal interactions in calcic amphiboles and their bearing on amphibole-plagio-clase thermometry Holland, T.;Blundy, J.
- Am. Min. v.72 Confirmation of the empirical correlation of Al in hornblende with pressure of solidification of calc-alkaline plutons Hollister, L.S.;Grissom, G.C.;Peters, E.K.;Stowell, H.H.;Sisson, V.B.
- Mining Geol. v.31 Mesozoic granitic rocks of southern Korea reviewed from major constituents and petrography Iiyama, J.T.;Fonteille, M.
- Ph.D. dissertation, Seoul National University Petrology and geochemistry of the Cretaceous granitic rocks in southern Korea Jin, M.S.
- Geology v.17 Experimental calibration of the aluminum-in-hornblende geobarometer with application at Long Valley caldera (California) volcanic rocks Johnson, M.C.;Rutherford, M.J.
- Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tokyo Petrology, Geochemistry and geochronology of the granitic rocks in the Inje-Hongcheon district, South Korea Jwa, Y.J.
- Jour. Petrol. Soc. Korea v.2 Constrasting TiO₂/MgO ratios in the Namwon granitic complex Kwon, S.T.;Hong, S.S.
- Can. Min. v.35 Nomenclature of amphiboles: report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association, commission on new minerals and mineral names Leake, B.E.;Woolley, A.R.;Arps, C.E.S.;Birch, W.D.;Gilbert, M.C.;Grice, J.D.;Hawthorne, F.C.;Kato, A.;Kisch, H.J.;Krivovichev, V.G.;Linthout, K.;Laird, J.;Mandarino, J.A.;Maresch, W.V.;Nickel, E.H.;Rock, N.M.S.;Schumacher, J.C.;Smith, D.C.;Stephenson, N.C.N.;Ungaretti, L.;Whittaker, E.J.W.;Youzhi, G.
- Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.7 Study of the igneous activity in the middle Ogcheon geosynclinal zone, Korea Lee, D.S.
- Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.27 Mineralogy and petrology on the granitic rocks in the Youngju area, Kyoungsang bukdo, Korea Lee, J.I.;Lee, M.S.
- Econ. Environ. Geol. Abstract with programs v.30 New radiometric ages of the granitic rocks in the Yeongnam Massif(abstract) Lee, J.I.;Jwa, Y.J.;Kagami, H.;Uchiumi, S.
- Geosci. Jour. v.2 Petrology and geochemistry of the Youngju and Andong granites in the northeastern Yeongnam Massif. Korea Lee, J.I.;Jwa, Y.J.;Park, C.H.;Lee, M.J.;Moutte, J.
- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. v.110 Amphibole composition in tonalites as a function of pressure: an experimental calibration of the Al-in-hornblende barometer Schmidt, M.W.
- Am. Jour. Sci. v.281 An experimental study of hornblende stability and compositional variability in amphibolite Spear, F.S.
- Mining Geol. v.31 Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks in South Korea Tsusue, A.;Mizuta, T.;Watanabe, M.;Min, K.W.
- Geology v.18 Constraints on Alleghanian vertical displacements in the southern Appalachian Piedmont, based aluminum-in-hornblende barometry Vyhnal, C.R.;McSween, Jr. H.Y.
- Am. Min. v.76 Hornblende chemistry in southern Appalachian granitoids: implications for aluminum hornblende thermobarometry and magma epidote stability Vyhnal, C.R.;McSween, Jr. H.Y.
- Scient. Pap. College Arts Sci. v.35 The Honam shear zone (South Korea): deformation and tectonic implication in the Far East Yanai, S.;Park, B.S.;Otoh, S.
- Am. Jour. Sci. v.289 Plumbing the depths of batholiths Zen, E-an