A Study on Fatigue Crack Growth of Composite Patching Repaired on Cracked Thick Plate

복합재료 보강재로 보수되어진 균열을 가진 두꺼운 평판의 피로균열 성장에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2001.12.01


An experimental investigation of the effect of composite patching repair was conducted to characterize the fatigue crack growth behavior in thick A16061-T6 (6mm) panels with single bonded patch by fiber reinforced composite patch. Four patch lengths and no patch plate were examined. An analytical procedure, involving three-dimensional finite element method having three layers to model cracked aluminum plate, epoxy by adhesive and composite Patch, is calculated the stress intensity factors. From the calculated stress intensity factors, the fatigue crack growth rates are obtained. At the single patching type, different fatigue crack growth ratios through the palate thickness were investigated by using the experimental and analytical results. The results demonstrated that there was a definite variation in fatigue life depending on the size of composite patch. While crack reached the patch end, retardation of crack growth was also revealed in the bonded repair.



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