Postmodern Ecology and Environmental Justice as Symbiosis and Difference

포스트모던 생태학과 공생과 차이로서의 환경정의

  • 최병두 (대구대학교 사회교육학부 지리교육전공)
  • Published : 2001.09.01


The ecological crisis today can be seen as a result of modernity which has been developed on the Cartesian dualism of subject/object, and of human being/nature, and thereby has huts objectified and subjugated nature through science and technology New environmental ethics hence should be developed urgently against modernity and to overcome the present ecological crisis. This paper aims to consider some implications for ecology and environmental ethics in the post-structurists'arguments struggling against modernity to formulate new frameworks of discourse and politics, and to examine a possibility to theorize environmental justice on the basis of postmodem ecology. For this purpose, this paper first looks on ecological arguments and implications for environmental ethics in post-structuralism, then tries to gain prominent ecological insights, focusing on ethology and 'rhizomatic naturalism'in the philosophy of Deleuze, and finally interprets both bioregionalism as a theory of 'difference' from postmodern point of view and Deleuze's ecology in terms of symbiosis and difference, in order to conceptualize environmental justice.

오늘날 생태위기는 흔히 주체와 객체, 인간과 자연간의 데카르트적 이분법에 기초하여 자연을 대상화하고 도구적으로 정복한 근대성의 결과라고 이해된다. 이에 따라 근대성에 반대하고 나아가 생태위기를 해결하기 위한 새로운 환경론이 중요한 의미를 가지게 되었다. 본 논문은 근대성에 반대하여 새로운 담론 및 정치를 구축하고자 하는 포스트모던 패러다임 특히 탈구조주의자들의 주장이나 이론들 속에 함의되어 있는 생태학적 논의들을 검토하고. 나아가 이러한 포스트모던 생태학에 근거한 환경정의론의 가능성을 모색함을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 우선 탈구조주의 일반에서 찾아 볼 수 있는 생태학적 논의와 환경윤리적 함의를 검토하고, 탈구조주의자들 가운데 가장 명시적으로 생태학적 논의를 담고 있는 들뢰즈의 철학에서 '행동학'과 '리좀적 자연주의'에 초점을 두고 그의 뛰어난 생태학적 통찰력을 고찰하며, 끌으로 포스트모던 관점에서 '차이'를 이론화하고자 한 생물지역주의 그리고 특히 들뢰즈의 생태학에서 핵심을 이루고 있는 공생과 타이를 환경정의의 입장에서 이해하고자 한다.



  1. 안동대학교 국제학술대회 발표원고 자연의 탈마법화와 휴머니즘의 재마법화: 현대 생태사사의 자연-신비주의 비판 구승희
  2. 베르그송주의;Le Bergsonisms 김재인(역);Deleuze, G.
  3. 문순홍, 생태학의 담론: 담론의 생태학, 솔 시간, 공간 그리고 생물지역론 문순홍
  4. 스피노자의 철학;Spinoza Philosophie pratique 박기순(역);Deleuze, G.
  5. 문예미학 v.6 no.469-490 들뢰즈와 창조성의 청치학 심광현
  6. 에코페미니스트 평화정치학;Ecological Feminism, Routledge Toward an ecofe minist peace politics 이소영(외 역.);Warren, K.J.;K.J. Warren(ed.)
  7. 드뢰즈와 가타리;Deleuze and Guattari 이정우(역);Bogue, R.
  8. 철학과 현실 v.28 no.138-148 질 드뢰즈, 철학자들 중의 철학자 이정우
  9. 철학이란 무엇인가.;Lle estce que la philosophie? 이정임(역);윤정임(역);Deleuze, G.;F. Guattari
  10. 미술세계 no.2월 유목주의란 무엇이고, 무엇이 아닌가? 이진경
  11. 사회비평 v.24 no.117-129 들뢰즈 전태원
  12. 녹색비평 v.29 no.7-8월 생태철학과 보살핌의 윤리: 다시 거주할 만한 지구를 위하여 정화열
  13. 지리학 논총 v.14 no.119-140 역사 · 권력 · 공간 : 미셀푸코와 역사 지리학 최병두
  14. 대한지리학회지 v.33 no.3 Ecology and naturalistic justice in Nietzsche 최병두
  15. 대한지리학회지 v.33 no.4 생태학과 환경정의 최병두
  16. 한국공간환경학회 편. 공간의 정치경제학 포스트모더니즘과 도시 · 지역연구 최병두
  17. 심층생태학과 생물평등 ?G 자아실혐으로서의 환경정의 최병두
  18. 감각의 논리;Francis Bacon: Logique de la sensation 하태환(역);Deleuze, G.
  19. Environmental Ethics v.11 no.117-134 Postmodern environmental ethics : ethics as bioregional narrative Cheney, J.
  20. Contemporary Philosophy v.13 no.1-14 Nature and the theorizing of difference Cheney, J.
  21. Ecological Feminism Nature/theory/difference: Ecofeminism and the reconstruction of environmental ethics Cheney, J.;Warren, K.J.(ed.)
  22. Spinoza on Nature Colins, J.
  23. Ecopolitics: The Environment in Poststructuralist Thought Conley, V.A.
  24. Discourses of the Environment Foucault against environmental ethics Darier, E.;E. Darier(ed.)
  25. Foucault: A Critical Reader Archeology, genealogt, ethics Davidson, A.;D.C. Hoy(ed.)
  26. Difference et repetition;Difference and Repetition Deleuze, G.;P. Patton(tr.)
  27. Mille Plateaux;A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizphprenia Deleuze,G.;F. Guattari;B. Massumi(tr.)
  28. Specters of Marx Derrida, J.
  29. Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements Constructing nature: elements for a poststructural political ecology Escobe, A.;R. Peet(ed.);M. Watts(ed.)
  30. Selected Interviews and Other Writings Power/Knowledge Foucault, M.
  31. The Use of Pleasure Foucault, M.
  32. The Final Foucault The ethic of care for the self as a practice of freedom Foucault, M.;J. Bernauer(ed.);D. Rasmussen(ed.)
  33. Environmental Ethics v.14 no.307-319 Radical enviromentalism and the political roots of postmodernism: differences that make a difference Frodeman, R.
  34. Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis Gare, A.E.
  35. New Formation v.8 no.summer The three ecologies Guattari, F.
  36. Environmental Ethics v.13 no.99-125 Nietzsche's environmental ethics Hallman, M.O.
  37. Postmodern Culture: An Electronic Journal of Interdisciplinart Criticism v.11 no.1 Becoming as creative involution?: contextualizing Deleuze and Guattari's biophilosophy Hansen, M.
  38. Geographical konewledge and political power, paper presented at the 29th International Geographical Congress Harvey, D.
  39. Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference Harvey, D.
  40. Environmental Ethics v.19 no.2 Gilles Deleuze and naturalism: a convergence with ecological theory and politics Hayden, P.
  41. The possibility of an antihumanist ecoanarchism Joff
  42. Progress in Human Geography v.23 no.4 dialectics and difference: against Harvey's dialectical post-Marxism Jones, A.
  43. Inquiry v.23 no.293-311 Spinoza's environmental ethics Lloyd, G.
  44. Part of Nature : Self-Knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics Lloyd, G.
  45. Justics, Society and Nature: an Exploration of Political Ecology Low, N.;B. Gleeson
  46. Cultural Critique v.31 no.57-81 On environmentality: geo-power and eco-knowledge in discourses of contemporary environmentalism Luke, T.W.
  47. Discourses of the Environment Environmentality as green governmentality Luke, T.W.;E.Darier(ed.)
  48. The Postmodern Condition Lyotard, J.
  49. Political Writing Oikos Lyotard, J.
  50. The Candian Geographer v.37 no.4 Bioregionalism and regional geography: place,people, and networks McTaggart, W.D.
  51. Inquiry The shallow and the deep, Long-range ecology movement: a summary Naess, A.
  52. Philosophia v.7 no.1 Spinoza and ecology Naess, A.
  53. Ecology, Community and Lifestyle Naess, A.
  54. Justice and Identity: Antipodean Practices Post-structuralism and the Mabo debate: difference, society and justice Patton, P.;M. Wilson(ed.);A. Yeatman(ed.)
  55. Delueze and Philosophy: the Difference Engineer Viroid life: on machines technics and evolution Pearson, K.A.;K.A. Pearson(ed.)
  56. Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements Peet, R.(ed.);M. Watts(ed.)
  57. Environmental Ethics v.14 no.4 Rethinking resistance: environmentalism, literature, and pos-structural theory Quigley, P.
  58. Discourses of the Environment Nature as dangerous apace Quigley, P.;E, Darier(ed.)
  59. The Environment in Questions: Ethics and Global Challenges in environmental ethics Rolston, H.;D.E. Cooper(ed.);J.A. Palmer(ed.)
  60. Environmental Ethics v.15 no.1 Cheney and the myth of postmodernism Smith, M.
  61. Environmental Ethics v.12 no.2 The power and the promise of ecological feminism Warren, K.J.
  62. Justice and the Politics of Difference Young, I.M.
  63. Contesting Earth's Future Zimmerman, M.