- 제주도의 지하수 부존특성과 서귀포층의 수문지질학적 관련성 고기원
- 한라산 고산식물의 생태생리학적 연구 고정군
- 대한지리학회지 v.34 no.385-393 한라산의 수직적 기온 분포와 고산식물의 온도적 범위 공우석
- 지리학논총 v.5 no.49-54 부산시 범어사 주변의 block field에 관하여 권순식
- 지리학논총 v.6 no.151-153 거제도의 주빙하 퇴절물 권순식
- 지리학논총 v.15 no.29-44 화강암 거력퇴적물에 관한 연구- 경남 삼량진 만어산 일대의 경우 권순식
- 지형학(제4판) 권혁재
- 토질역학 김관진;김정실;김준영;서인식
- 낙산지리 v.1 no.3-10 한라산의 구조토의 고찰 김도정
- 지리학 v.8 no.1-7 한국의 상식의 유형 김도정
- 토질역학론 서홍석(역)
- 건국대학교 이학논집 v.1 no.7-48 제주도의 형성과정과 화산활동에 관한연구 원종관
- 제조도 형성사 v.98 no.148-164 윤선
- 제주도(편) 한국의 영산 한라산 제주도 화산활동사 이동영
- 대한지하수환경학회(편) 제주도 지하수자원의 환경학적 보전과 개발이용 제주도의 형성사의 지질구조 이문원
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- 한국지형학회지 v.2 no.43-56 만어산 Block Stream에 관한 연구 전영권
- 한국지역학회지 v.2 no.173-182 천황산 talus의 형성과 지형발달 전영권
- 서귀포 · 하효리도폭 지질보고서
- 자연친화적인 한라산 삭도설치 타당성 조사
- 第四期硏究 v.26 no.373-391 密度逆轉成層たよる周永河ィンボリュ-ッョンの形成 宮田雄一郞
- 日本土壞肥料學會誌 v.30 no.49-52 野地坊主と十勝坊主たつ ぃて 山田忍
- 山田忍(編) 土壞の生成 · 分類 · 調査とろの活用 火山性土の凍作用ガ土壞と作物た及ぼす影響とこわが對策たつぃて 山田忍;山內正規;田村昇市;山口宏
- 新版標準土色帖 小山正忠;竹原秀雄
- 周氷河環境 小野有五(譯)
- 地理學評論 v.38 no.179-199 大雪火山群の構造土 小疇尙
- 科學 v.44 no.708-712 凍結 · 融解作用ガつくる微地形-日本の構造土 小疇尙
- スビッツペルゲンの周氷河地形 小疇尙(譯)
- 第四期硏究 v.12 no.177-191 びガレ北海道の化石周氷河現象とろ古氣候學的意義 小疇尙;野上道男;岩田修二
- 朝鮮地質調査要報 v.10 no.1-34 濟州島の地質 原口九萬
- 岩石鑛物鑛床學會誌 v.77 no.55-64 韓國濟州火山島の地質 李文遠
- 雪氷辭典 日本雪氷學會
- 周氷河地形 熙田宥子(譯)
- 第四紀硏究 v.18 no.31-37 北海道北部たれける Earth Hummockたつぃて 佐佐木淸一
- お茶の水大學人文科學紀要 v.33 no.17-47 ァィスランド全國地誌(6) 外力地形 Ⅱ 淺井辰郞
- 日本地理學會發表豫稿集 v.57 no.188-189 根室半島におけるァ-スハンモックの形成ブロセス 天井澤曉裕
- 土木試驗月報 v.316 no.1-19 釧路市美濃のァ-スハンモック 沖田良隆;濟藤万之助;赤澤傳
- 東北地理 v.37 no.131-132 北上山地の現成のァ-スハンモック 澤口晉一
- 駿台史學 v.74 no.111-133 北上山地中部一杯森のァ-スハモック 澤口晉一
- 地形 v.20 no.119 霧島火御鉢火口綠上の植被塚 橫山藤三
- Glossary of Geology(second edition) Bates, R.L.;Jackson, J.A.
- Ecology v.40 no.16-20 An apparent frost hummock-sorted polygon cycle in the alpine tundra of Wyoming Bilings, W.D.;Mooney, H.A.
- Biuletyn Peryglacjalny v.15 no.175-240 Particle sorting repeated freezing and thawing Corte, A.E.
- Arctic and Alpine Research v.2 no.111-120 Frost cracks and earth hummocks at Kosciuko Costin,A.B.;Wimbush,D.J.
- Cannadian Journal of Earth Science v.14 no.639-649 A study of the dynamics of hummocky microrelief in the Canadian north Crampton, C.B.
- Zeit fur Geomorphologie Supplement band v.17 no.58-71 Die Klmamorphologie des vulkanischen Gebietes von Changbai-san in der Koreanischen Volksdemokratischen Repubik Demek, J.
- Arctic and Alpine Research v.5 no.269-281 An analysis of diumal freeze-thaw and frost heave cycle in the Indian Peaks region of the Colorado Front Rang Fahey, B.D.
- Arctic and Alpine Research v.6 no.63-70 Seasonal frost heave and frost penetration measurements in the Indian Peaks region of the Colorado Front Range Fahey, B.D.
- The Periglacial Environment(second edition) French, H.M.
- Canadian Geothecnical Journal v.17 no.473-486 A mechanistic theory of ice lens formation in fine-grained soils Konrad,M.;Morgenstern, N.R.
- Korea, Eine Landeskunde auf Grund eigener Reisen und der Literatur Lautensach, H.
- The Periglacial Environment Earth and ice mounds; A terminological discussion Lundqvist, J.;Pewe, T.L.(ed.)
- Canadian Journal of Earth Science v.17 no.996-1006 The origin of hummocks, western Arctic coast, Canada Mackay, J.R.
- Canadian Journal of Earth Science v.13 no.889-897 Cryostatic pressures in nonsorted circle(mud hummmocks) Mackay, J.R.;Mackay, D.K.
- Annual Report of the Institude of Geoscience v.24 no.13-17 Hogback and glacis pediment in Mount Dalma, Korea Matsukura, Y.;Tanaka, Y.;Hachione, S.;Kim, T.
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes v.9 no.285-294 Occurrence of extrazonal periglacial landforms in the lowlands of western Japan and Korea Oguchi, T.;Tanakam, Y.
- Journal of the Korean Geographical v.35 no.653-663 Morphology and genesis of block fields on the Seoraksan National Park in Kangwon Province, Korea Park, K.
- Biuletyn Peryglacjalny v.8 no.143-154 Recent periglacial phenomena in Sweden Rapp, A.
- ¢im Gr¢nland v.166 no.1-112 The structure and development of turf hummocks in the Mesters Vig District, northest Greenland, Meddeleleser Raup,H.M.
- Erdkunde v.31 no.279-287 Zur Genese der Thufur Islands und Ost-Gronlands Schunke, E.
- Advances in Periglacial Geomorphology Earth hummocks(thufur) Schunke, E.;Zoltai, S.C.;Clark, M.J.(ed.)
- Science v.115 no.713-714 Geology, soil mechanics, and botany Taber, S.
- Geographical Review of Japan v.72 no.Series B Pediments and related landforms in Korea Tanaka, Y.;Matsukura, Y.
- Arctic and Alpine Research v.10 no.581-594 Earth hummocks of the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic Tamocai, T.;Zoltai, S.C.
- The Mechanics of Frozen Ground Tsytovich, N.A.
- Journal of Quiternary Science v.3 no.85-96 The significance of cryouturbation phenomena in environmental reconstruction Van Vliet-Lanoe, B.
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes v.2 no.123-129 Differential frost heave, load casting and convection: converging mechanism; a discussion of the origin of cryouturbation Van Vliet-Lanoe, B.
- Geological Society of America Bulletin v.67 no.823-865 Classification of patterned ground and review of suggested origins Washbum, A.L.
- Geocryology: A Survey of Periglacial Processes and Environments Washburn, A.L.
- The Frozen Earth: Fundamentials of Geocryology Williams, P.J.;Smith, M.W.
- 地形學事典 町田貞;井口正男;貝塚爽平;佐藤正;榧根勇;小野有五(編)