공공도서관 이용자의 불평행동에 관한 연구

An Analysis of Complaining Behavior of Public Library Users

  • 오동근 (계명대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


이 연구는 비영리조직이용자 불평행동의 한 예로서 공공도서관 이용자의 불평행동에 대한 포괄적인 연구로 시도된 것이다. 이 연구에서는 불평에 대한 태도와 불평비용, 불평의 성공가능성, 서비스의 중요성, 외적귀인, 충성도 등의 불평행동의 선행요인이 이용중단, 항의, 부정적 구전, 제3자를 통한 불평 등의 각 불평행동 유형에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 특히 비영리조직의 특성과 관련하여 선행요인으로 "무료이용지각"이라는 새로운 변수를 검토하였다. 서비스에 불만족한 대구지역 공공도서관의 성인이용자 515명을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 바탕으로 결과를 분석하였다.

This study is to investigate extensively the complaint responses of the public library users, as an example of the complaining behaviors of the clients in not-for-profit organization. It selects and analyzes empirically some of the antecedents of the complaining behaviors including attitude toward complaining, cost of the complaining, likelihood of success, of success, product, external attributions and loyalty, and complaint responses including exit, voice(redress seeking), negative word-of-mouth and third party complaints, of the public library users, based on the theoretical backgrounds. It also examines the free use as a new variable of antecedents for not-for-profit organizations. Final data through questionaries are obtained from 515 unsatisfied adult public library users in Taegu, 456 of them analysed with SPSS 10.0 for Windows.



  1. 한국도서관·정보학회지 v.32 no.1 도서관·정보센터 이용자 불평행동의 선행요인과 유형 오동근
  2. Advances in Consumer Research v.11 An Investigation of Influences on Consumer Complaint Reports William O. Bearden;Barry Mason
  3. Advances in Consumer Research v.18 Consumer Attitudes Toward Complaining and the Prediction of Multiple Complaint Response Diane Halstead;Cornelia Droge
  4. Advances in Consumer Research v.16 Consumer Complaining and Word of Mouth Activities : Field Evidence S. P. Brown;R. F. Beltramini
  5. Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Correlates of Consumer Expectation and Complaining Behavior D. Granbois;J. O. Summers;G. L. Frazier;R. L. Day(ed.)
  6. Journal of Marketing v.47 Negative Word-of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers : a Pilot Study M. L. Richins
  7. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
  8. Advances in Consumer Research v.11 Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction Ralph L. Day
  9. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.18 Voice, Exit and Negative Word-of Mouth Behaviors : An Investigation Across Three Service Categories Jagdip Singh
  10. 소비자 불평행동의 통합모형 정경애
  11. Exit, Voice and Loyalty : Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States A. O. Hirschman
  12. Journal of Consumer Research v.10 Consumer Reactions to Product Failure : An Attributional Approach V. S. Folkes
  13. Advances in Consumer Research v.24 The Impact of Perceived Justice on Customer Satisfaction and Intention to Complain in a Service Recovery Mary Ann Hocutt;Goutam Chakraborty;John C. Mowen
  14. Consumer Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.14 Consumers' Attributions and the Cause of Their Product Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Valerie Valle;Melanie Wallendorf;Ralph L. Day(ed.)
  15. 도서관 및 독서진흥법(제2조 제4항) no.법률 제4746호
  16. Journal of Marketing v.52 Consumer Complaint Intentions and Behavior : Definitional and Taxonomical Issues Jagdip Singh
  17. Advances in Consumer Research v.11 Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction Ralph L. Day
  18. Advances in Consumer Research v.9 An Investigation of Consumers' Attitudes Toward Complaining M. L. Richins
  19. Journal of Retailing v.66 no.1 A Typology of Consumer Dissatisfaction Response Style Jagdip Singh
  20. Journal of Retailing v.66 no.1 A Typology of Consumer Dissatisfaction Response Style Jagdip Singh
  21. Journal of Marketing v.47 An Investigation of Consumers' Attitudes Toward Complaining M. L. Richins
  22. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois