분광복사휘도 측정용 광검출기의 특성 평가

Characteristics of Photodetectors for spectral radiance measurements

  • 서정철 (한국표준과학연구원 정보통신표준센터) ;
  • 박승남 (한국표준과학연구원 광기술표준부) ;
  • 김봉학 (한국표준과학연구원 광기술표준부)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


광원의 분광복사휘도를 측정하기 위한 실험 장치를 구성하였으며, PMT, Si, InGaAs a c IR enhanced InGaAs 광검출기의 특성을 평가하였다. 구성된 분광복사휘도 측정 장치의 파장 영역은 250~2500nm이며, 1.0 $\mu$A 이하의 신호에서 비선형 감응도가 0.1% 이하로 선형성이 우수하므로 분광복사휘도의 국가 표준 장치로 사용될 수 있음을 알 숭 있었다.

We have fabricated a spectroadiometric system to measure spectral radiance of optical sources and evaluated its characteristics such as spectral responsivity, nonlinearity, and so on. The measurement system with PMT, Si, InGaAs, and IR-enhanced InGaAs detectors has shown a good linearity and a wide spectral responsivity of 250∼2500 nm. This spectroradiometric system will be used as the primary national standard system of spectral radiance measurements.



  1. J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. v.95 no.6 The 1990 NIST scales of thermal radiometry K. D. Mielenz;R. D. Saunders;A. C. Parr;J. J. Hsia
  2. Reliable Spectroradiometry H. J. Kostkowski
  3. Handbook of Applied Photometry C. DeCustis
  4. Metrologia v.32 no.6 Results of a NIST/VNIIOFI comparison of spectral-radiance measurements R. D. Saunders;C. E. Gibson;K. D. Mielenz;V. I. Sapritsky;K. A. Sudarev;B. B. Khevnoy;S. N. Mekhonstsev;G. D. Harchenko
  5. Publ. 250-1 NBS measurement survices;Spectral radiance calibrations NBS Spec. J. H. Walker;R. D. Saunders;A. T. Hattenburg
  6. Metrologia v.37 no.1 A CCPR international comparison of spectral radiance measurements in the air-ultraviolet R. P. Lambe;R. Saunders;C. Gibson;J. Hollandt;E. Tegeler
  7. Metrologia v.32 no.6 Black-body radiometry V. I. Sapritsky
  8. Appl. Opt. v.36 no.34 Development of a detector-based absolute spectral irradi-ance scale in the 380-900-nm spectral range P. Karha;P. Toivanen;F. Manoochehri;E. Ikonen
  9. Metrologia v.37 no.4 Spectral irradiance measurements of tungsten lamps with filter radiometers in the spectral range 290nm to 900nm T. Kubarsepp;P. Karha;F. Manoochery;S. Nevas;L. Yliant-tila;E. Ikonen
  10. Metrologia v.28 no.4 Absolute spectral radiometric determination of the thermodynamic temperatures of the melting/freezing points of gold, silver and aluminium N. P. Fox;J. E. Martin;D. H. Nettleton
  11. Metrologia v.35 no.4 A 400 nm to 2500 nm absolute spectral radiance comparison using filter radiometers H. W. Yoon;B. C. Jonnson;D. Kelch;S. Biggar;P. R. Spyak
  12. Metrologia v.32 no.6 The characterization of a high-temperature black body as the basis for the NPL spectral_irradiance scale N. White;N. P. Fox;V. E. Ralph;N. J. Harrison
  13. J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. v.95 no.1 Spec-troradiometric determination of the freezing temperature of gold K. D. Mielenz;R. D. Saunders;J. B. Shumaker
  14. J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. v.99 no.6 Beamcon Ⅲ, a linearity measurement instrument for optical detetors A. Thomson;H.-M. Chen
  15. Appl. Opt. v.19 no.18 Fast determination of the non-linearity of photodetectors L. Coslovi;F. Righini
  16. Appl. Opt. v.23 no.20 Automated radiomet-ric linearity tester R. D. Saunders;J. B. Shumaker
  17. Appl. Opt. v.18 no.9 Nonlinearity measurements on photometric devices E. Pitz
  18. Metrolo-gia v.30 no.4 Automated absolute and relative spectral lin-earity measurements on photovoltaic detectors L. P. Boivin
  19. Appl. Opt. v.11 no.10 Spectrophotometer lin-earity testing using the double-aperture method K. D. Mielenz;K. L. Eckerle