An Analysis of Government R&D Investment and Its Policy Implications

정부연구개발사업 투자현황분석 및 정책적 시사점

  • 손병호 (한국과학기술평가원 평가사업부 사업분석팀장) ;
  • 오동훈 (한국과학기술평가원 평가사업부) ;
  • 양희승 (한국과학기술평가원 평가사업부 책임연구원)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


This study aims to provide information about the priority setting and budget coordination of government R&D spendings in Korea. Based on the result of "Survey, Analysis and Evaluation of National R&D Programs"in FY 2000. this paper reviews the government R&D expenditures by the concerned variables such as program objectives, sector of performance, character of work and technology fields. It is found that R&D spendings on the areas of industrial development, information technology, and development research are funded pretty high. Also, it turns out that, considering program objectives and character of work, there are some redundancies of R&D programs among government agencies. Policy implications are suggested.



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