Food and nutrient Intake in Relation to Alcohol consumption in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey

  • Kim, Youngok (Department of Food & Nutrition, Collage of Natural Science Dongduk Women′s University)
  • Published : 2001.07.01


Dietary pattern in relation to alcohol consumption was studied in 7,370 Korean adults aged 20 years and older in 1998 Koran National Health and Nutrition Survey in which 24 hour recall method was used for dietary survey, The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of alcohol consumption on food and nutrient intake among Koreans, Individual drinking data was collected by interview as a part of health behavior survey T est was adopted to between nutrient intake level and drinking status. Drinkers of both sexes showed less consumption of foods from vegetable origins than non-drinkers, Consequently,. They also had significantly less carbohydrate consumption then non-drinker. This result may suggest that diets of Korean drinkers is unbalanced in terms of low consumption of food from vegetable origin and carbohydrate, Nutrition education should focus on those issues to improve the nutritional status and prevent potential risk disease by unbalanced diet.
