Optimum Sewage Discharge Strategy for Coastal Waters

  • Kang, Yun-Ho (Yosutech Yosu National University Business Incubator Yosu National University) ;
  • Lee, Moon-Ock (Division of Ocean System, Yosu National Univerity)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


To improve the water quality, particularly for sea bathers, the behaviour of wastewater from sewage outfalls in water adjacent to Swansea, UK, was studied using a mathematical model. The water quality in the sewage receiving basin was determined using factors like the outfall diffuser location(distance from land boundary), sewage treatment scheme, discharge time, and bacteria decay rate, etc. With respect to these factors, an optimal strategy for sewage discharge was then investigated to minimize bacteria levels along the bathing beaches. As water quality criteria, predicted faecal coliform levels were monitored along the coast adjacent to the outfall locations. The resultant values were compared with EC Mandatory(<2000, 95 % of 20 samples) and Guideline Standards(< 100, 80 % of 20 samples). For the advective-diffusion equation, the non linear advective terms were represented using the ULTIMATE algorithm and the third-order accurate QUICKEST scheme to avoid numerical diffusion. Details of the simulation results are then presented as an optimal policy for sewage discharge in the region.



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