산림녹지기능도의 도입 방향

Directions for Forest Functions Mapping in Korea

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


This study analyzed and examined literature and legislation in Korean and other countries to examine the concept and sense of mapping of forest functions that would be used as basic information for efficient application and management of forest ecosystems. The mapping of forest functions in Germany has been utilized to field data for efficient work and management of the ecosystem, and evaluation of forest environmental ecology by the mapping of forest functions has been applied directly or indirectly in country management plans, conservation of nature and landscape management plans. Forest protection areas in Korea were analysed for creating a map of forest functions. As the results, forest functions could be sorted into five categories, such as conservation area of forest production, prevention of disasters, landscape and abiological natural resource, valuable biotope and ecosystem and civil recreation. The mapping method was applied to these 5 categories important conservation targets. It is considered that mapping of forest functions in Korea can be used for systematic forest works and efficient ecosystem utilization and management, as well as it use basic data for environmental and ecological comprehension and evaluation on forest and green tract of land on the level of country development and utilization.



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