The Content and Format Development of Financial Counseling Program on the Internet

인터넷 재무상담 프로그램의 내용과 양식 개발에 관한 연구

  • 김경자 (가톨릭대학교 소비자주거학전공)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


This paper analyzed some financial counseling cases on the internet and suggested a framework for the improved financial counseling. Data of 392 financial counseling cases were gathered from the site bulletin board whose members were mostly housewives. The largely demanded contents of counseling were about 1) general financial procedures and the evaluation of household financial condition, 2) saving and investment, 3) buying and canceling insurance, and 4) debt repayment and debt availability. Based on the data analysis, a special format which requires on the personal and financial information of consumers was developed. In a way to help counselors and clients far questions asked often, FAQs is also suggested. Finally the arrangement and development of financial planning related softwares were investigated.



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