취업여성의 부모역할 경험이 직업만족과 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향: 부부관계스트레스의 중재효과

Effects of Parenting Experiences on Job Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being in Employed Women: Moderating Effects of Marital Strews

  • 이형실 (중앙대학교 가정교육학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of parenting on job satisfaction and psychological well-being in employed women, with moderating effects of marital stress. The present study was based on a sample of 258 full-time employed women aged 30-49 in dual-earner families. The effects of parenting experiences on job satisfaction and psychological well-being were examined separately for women with low and high marital stress. Both parenting rewards and costs were significantly associated with psychological well-being in women with high marital stress. For women with low marital stress, parenting rewards and costs did not predict psychological well-being. Among women with high marital stress, parenting rewards were positively associated with psychological well-being and parenting costs were negatively associated with psychological well-being. In contrast, only parenting costs were a good predictor of job satisfaction for women with high marital stress. In conclusion, the effects of parenting experiences on job satisfaction and psychological well-being were mediated by the level of marital stress in employed women.



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