청소년의 자아존중감 향상을 위한 상상적 청중 감소 프로그램 개발과 적용 - 여자중학생을 중심으로

Development and Application of the Imaginary Audience Reduction Program for Self-Esteem Improvement of Adolescent - Focusing on the middle school girls -

  • 고경남 (경북대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 김춘경 (경북대학교 아동가족학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


The purpose of this study was to develop an Imaginary Audience Reduction Program and examine the effectiveness of using the program on improving female adolescents' self-esteem. Based on the results from the study, 10-session-Imaginary audience reduction program was developed. Then the researcher conducted the Imaginary Audience Reduction Program for 72 female adolescents from 4, May 2000 to 7, July 2000 at the girls'middle school in Daegu. For examining the effectiveness of using the program, the research instruments were Self-Esteem Inventory(SEI; Coopersmith, 1967) and New Imaginary Audience Scale(NIAS; Lapsley, FitzGerald, Rice & Jackson, 1989). The research instruments used for pre-post-follow up tests. The Data were analyzed by Repeated Measure ANOVA. There were statistically significant differences in self-esteem and Imaginary audience. Results revealed that adolescents who took the Imaginary Audience Reduction Program consistently reported the improvement of their self-esteem level and the reduction of their Imaginary audience level. The implication of study findings will be discussed.



  1. 강원대학교 석사학위 청구논문 청소년의 자아개년고 학교생활 태도와의 관계 고순복
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  6. 연세대학교 박사학위 청구논문 청소년기 자아중심성과 관련된 변인연구 김인경
  7. 한국심리학회지 v.4 no.1 청소년기 자아중심성과 관련변인들에 대한 탕샘적 연구 김인경;장근영
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  10. 놀이치료 원리 송영혜
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  20. 한국심리학회지 v.4 no.1 분리개별화 과정 및 역할취득수준과 청소년기 자아중심성 간의 관계 장근영;윤진
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  22. 청년발달의 이해 정옥분
  23. 부산대학교 석사학위 청구논문 Satir가족치료이론을 바탕으로 한 집단상담이 여고생의 자아존중감 및 자녀-부모간의 의사소통에 미치는 효과 한선화
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