- 서울대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 아동의 또래지위와 자아지각의 관계 김경집
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- Peer rejection and loneliness in childhood,in Asher Asher S.R.;J.T.Parkhurst;S.Hymel;G.A.Wlillams
- Journal of consulting and clinical Psychology v.53 Children's loneliness. A comparison of rejected ans neglected peer status Asher S.R.;Wheeler V.A.
- Child Development v.55 Loneliness in children Asher S.R.;Hymel S.;Renshaw P.D.
- Child Development v.52 Effects of friendship in prosocial intention and behavior Berndt T.J.
- Child Development v.55 The effects of social skills training and peer involment on the social adjustment of preadolescents Bierman K.L.;Furman W.
- Child Development v.69 no.1 Preadolescent friendship and peer rejection as predictors of adult adjustment Catherine L;Bagwell;Andrew F.;Newcomb;Willian M.Bukowski
- Child Development v.63 Loneliness and peer relations in young children Cassidy J.;Asher S.R.
- Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Social networks and loneliness in children Cohn D.A.;Lohrmann B.C.;Patterson C.
- Child Development v.70 Children's over and underestimation of academic competence: A longitudinal study of gender differences.depression .and anxiety Coie D.A.;Martin;Joan M.;Peeke;Lachlan A.;Serozynski A.D.;Fier;Jonathan
- Child Development v.54 A behavioral analysis of emerging social status in boy's group Coie J.D.;Kupersmidt J.B.
- Child Development v.18 Dimensions and types of status: A cross-age perspective Coie J.D.;Dodge K.A.;Coppotelli H.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.48 Adolescent self-disclosure and loneliness; private self-consciousness and parental influences Franzoi S.L.;Davis M.H.
- Child development v.51 Social interaction,social competence,and friendship,in competence and childres's academic achievement Cottman J.M.;Gonso J.;Rasmuseen B.
- Handbook of Child Psychology(vol.4):socialization,personailty,and social development Peer relations.In P.H. Mussen(Ed). Hartup W.W.
- Journal of Psychology v.112 Loneliness as a function of parent-child and peer relations Hojat M.
- Journal of Personality v.49 The persistence of loneliness:Self and other determinants Jones W. H.;Freemon J.A.;Goswick R.A.
- Peer relationships and social skills in childhood in 「Peer rejection in childhood」 Kenneth H Rubin Hildy S;Ross
- Merell-Palmer Quarterly v.29 Social metworks of popular,average,and rejected children in school settings Ladd G.W.
- Development Psychology v.13 Effects of age,sex,and physical attractiveness on child-peer relations,academic performance,and elementary school adjustment Lerner R.M.;Lerner J.V.
- Journal of Genetic Psychology v.133 Friendship patterns and self-concept development in preadolescent males Mannarino A.P.
- Child Development v.37 Stereotyping of names and popularity in grade school children Mc David J.W.;Harari H.
- Social withdrawal,inhibition,and shyness in childhood Victimization by peers:Antecedents and long-term outcomes Olweus D.;K.H. Rubin;J.B. Asendorf(eds)
- Psychology Bulletin v.102 Peer relations and later personal adjustment: Are low-accepted children at risk Parker J.G.;Asher S.R.
- Child Development v.50 Popular,amiable,isolated,rejected: A re comceptualization of sociometric status in preschool children Perry J.C.
- Child Development v.58 Maternal behavior and children's sociometric status Putallaz M.
- 「The development of children's friendship」 Social skills and group acceptance Putallaz M.;Gottman.J.M.;S.R.Asher;J.M.Gottman(Eds).
- Loneliness : A Source book of current theory,reserch,and therapy The experience of loneliness Rubenstein C.M.;Shaver P;L.A.Peplau;D.Perlman(Eds)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.39 no.3 The revised UCLA loneliness scale: Concurrent and discriminant validity evidence Rusell D.;Peplau L.A.;Cutrona L.E.
- A developmental perspective on peer Sandstorm;Marlene J.;Coeim John D.
- Review of Personality and Social Psychology v.1 Childhood attachment experience and adult loneliness Shaver P.;Rubenstein C.;L.Wheelar(Ed).
- 「The interpersonal theory of psychiatry」 Sulluvan H.S.
- Development Psychology v.19 Physical attractiveness as a correlate of peer status and social competence in preschool children Vaughn B.E.;Langlois J.H.
- Loneliness: The experience of emotional and social isolation Weiss R.S.