A study on the loneliness of childhood and related variables

아동기 외로움 관련변인 연구

  • Kim, Seong-Hae (College of Human Evironmental Sciences, Wonkwang Univ.) ;
  • Song, Soon (College of Human Evironmental Sciences, Wonkwang Univ.)
  • 김성해 (원광대학교 생활과학대학 가정복지정보학과) ;
  • 송순 (원광대학교 생활과학대학 가정복지정보학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


The purpose of this study is investigated on the loneliness of childhood and related variables. 400 boys and girls were sampled far this study that they are elementary school 5th 6th located in IK-San, Kim-Je city. Survey was conducted by self-reported questionnaires and 380 questionnaires were finally used for the data analysis. The data analysis with SPSS Computer program were frequency, percentage, mean, 7- 1est, one-way ANOVA with Duncan's Multiple Range test and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. Significant difference was founded in children's loneliness according to father's education, father's job mother's education, school grade, name satisfaction, body satisfaction, siblings, close relation friend number, family harmony, parent's love- acceptable. 2. Significant difference was founded in children's loneliness according to peer status degree (popular isolation aggression). Higher popular children was perceived lower in loneliness than lower popular children. Higher isolation children was perceived higher in loneliness than lower isolation. Higher aggression children was perceived higher in loneliness than lower aggressive in loneliness. 3. In the result of multiple regression analysis the influence on the loneliness be presented as follows in order of importance , peer status of isolation degree popular degree mother's job of self business, parent's love-acceptable, friends number. The result the above study indicates that peer status family harmony, parent's love- acceptable, child's psychological environmental variables influences on the loneliness but essential variables are influences peer status on the loneliness.



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