- 한국심리학회지:발달 v.10 no.1 한국아동의 정서에 관한 심리학적 연구 김경희
- 한국아동학회지 v.22 no.1 학령기 아동의 행동문제 유형에 따른 위험요인과 보호요인의 인과모형 김선희
- 한국가정관리학회지 v.16 no.4 아동 및 청소년의 행동문제 척도 개발 김선희;김경연
- 부모-자녀관계:생태학적 접근 박성현;도현심;정승원
- 대한가정학회지 v.34 no.2 아동의 문제행동에 어머니의 귀인과 행동반응과의 관계 이은희
- 소아청소년정신의학 v.2 no.1 문항 분석을 통한 한국판 CBCL의 임상유용도 검증 이혜련;홍경자;홍강의;하은혜
- 신경정신의학 v.22 no.3 부모설문에 의한 아동의 행동문제 분석:예비적 연구 홍강의;홍경자
- 이화여자대학교 대학원 박사학위 논문 국민학교 아동의 행동양상 도형개발에 관한 연구 홍경자
- Psychological Bulletin v.101 Child/adolescents behavioral and emotional problem: Implications of crossinformant correlations for situational specificity Achenbach T.M.;McConaughy S.H.;Howell C.T.
- Psychiatry Research v.24 Depressed mothers as informants in family history research-Are they accurate? Breslau N.;Davis G.;Prabucki K.
- Temperament and early-development personality traits Buss A.H.;Plomin R.
- administration scoring & procedures manual Derogatis L.R.
- Psychological Bulletin v.110 The affective organization of parenting Adaptive and maladaptive processes Dix T.
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.37 Chronic and temporary influences on mothers' attributions for children's disobedience Dix T.;Reinhold D.P.
- Child Development v.66 The role of emotionality and regulation in children's social functuoning: A longitudinal Study Eisenberg N.;Fabes R.A.;Murphy B.;Maszk P.;Smith M.;Karborn M.
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.40 Children's enacted interpersonal strategies: Their relations to social behavior and negative emotionality Eisenber N.;Fabes R.A.
- J.of Abnormal Child Psychology v.14 Assessing the influence of maternal depression on the validity of the Child Behavior Cheklist Frkedlander S.;Weiss D.S.;Traylor J.
- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education v.17 no.4 parent and teacher assessment of developmental status of children with severe,mild/moderate,or no developmental disabilities Hundert .J.;Morrison L.
- Pediatrics v.104 no.1 Physically abused adolescents: Behavior problems,functional inpairment,and comparison of informants;report Kaplan S.J.;Victor L.;David P.;Merrill W.;Suzanne S.;Francine M.
- J.of Emotioanl and Behavioral Disorders v.6 no.1 Concordance between mothers' and teachers'perceptions of behavior problems of children with developmental delays keogh B.K.;Bernheimer L.P.
- J.of Genetic psychology v.159 Thel relation of problem behaviors in preschoo children to depressive symptoms mithers and fathers marchand J.F.;Ellen H.
- J.of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders v.1 no.1 Evaluation behavioral and emotional disorders with CBCL,TRF,and YSR cross-informant scales McConaughy S.H.
- Child Development v.66 parent's attributions for their children's behavior Miller S.A.
- Educational psychology v.20 no.2 Comparison of peer,teacher and self-assessments on adolescent direct and indirect aggression Pakaslahti L.;Keltikangas-Jarvinen L.
- J.of Abnormal Child Psychology v.14 Child brhavior,maternal depression,and social coercion as factors in the quality of child care Panaccione V.F.;Wahler R.G.
- Psychological Bulletin v.112 no.3 Depressed Mothers as informants about their children: A critical review of the evidence for distortion Richters J.E.
- J.of consulting and Clinical Psychology v.53 no.5 Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of child deviance: roles of child behavior,parental depressin,and marital satisfaction Schaughency E.A.;Lahey B.B.
- School psychology Review v.27 no.4 Temperament and personality theory: the perspective of cognitive-experiential self-theory Teglasi H.;Epstein S.
- J. of consulting and Clinical Psychology v.56 no.6 Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of child deviance: role f parent and child behaviors and parent adjustment Webster-Stratton C.1988-00-00