Actual Condition and Reliability Monitoring of Material Safety Data Sheets for the Organic Solvents

일부 유기용제의 물질안전보건자료의 실태와 신뢰성 조사

  • 정규혁 (성균관대학교 약학부) ;
  • 김경례 (성균관대학교 약학부) ;
  • 김대현 (성균관대학교 약학부) ;
  • 오기석 (한국산업안전공단 산업안전보건연구원) ;
  • 유일재 (한국산업안전공단 산업안전보건연구원)
  • Published : 2001.11.01


The regulation of Material safety data sheets(MSDS) was required for the chemicals in use in the workplace from July 1976. Under the provisions of the workplace hazardous materials information system, employers in Korea must be provided with accurate and comprehensive MSDS. To examine the reliability of MSDS for organic solvents, 63 organic solvents and MSDS were collected from the workplace of 39 companies located in Kyonggi province. Manufacture\`s MSDS were compared with the actual composition of the collected samples, and further examined the reliability by checking whether the chemicals analyzed were included in the MSDS correctly. 38 solvents were able to analyze their composition by gas chromatography-mass selective detector(GC-MSD). Among them, 28 solvents were incorrect in their composition and contents. In some case, health hazardous or carcinogenic chemicals which were not included in the MSDS were detected from samples. As a result of evaluating whether the MSDS correspond to the regulation required by Industrial Safety and Health Act (ISHA), the information in the MSDS including hazard classification, occupational exposure level, toxicity, regulatory information were incorrectly provided, and some MSDS did not disclose carcinogenic in their MSDS, and some MSDS were not written in the standard format. From this survey, continuous monitoring and promoting correct MSDS, and analyzing the components of the solvents were required to endure the reliability of MSDS for organic solvents.
