Utilization of Poultry Processing Wastes

  • Linus G. Fonkwe (Department of Food Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette) ;
  • Rakesh K. Singh (Department of Food Science and Technology, Univ. of Georgia) ;
  • Lee, Jun-Ho (Division of Food, Biological and Chemical Engineering, Taegu University)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


Large amounts of poultry processing wastes including blood, feathers, offal, bones and manure are produced annually from the poultry industry. Over the past years, these products have been wasted and now there is a need for the treatment of these processing wastes. These processing wastes could be either discarded, a rather expensive option considering the cost of sewage disposal, or processed into animal feed or food for human consumption. This paper mainly deals with the various methods through which the different poultry processing wastes have been further processed and/or utilized for human flood or animal consumption. This paper also reviews steps involved in general poultry processing.



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