수도 포장진입로의 설계기준에 관한 연구

A Study on Design Standard for Paddy Field Ramp


Steep and narrow ramp installed in the paddy field makes it difficult and sometimes dangerous to drive agricultural machines on it. Because agricultural machinery become larger and heavier, it is necessary to revise design standard for ramp to provide safe travel. This study was conducted to revise the design standard fur paddy field ramp, especially for its width and slope. A mathematical model predicting travelling path of a tractor on paddy field ramp and farm road was developed and simulated. To verify this model, field tests were carried out. The model could predict trvelling path with RMS Error of 12.5cm and 8.2cm, which were judged to be adoptable fur determining the width of paddy field ramp. By applying this model to 110ps tractor, which was assumed to be the largest tractor in Korea, width of paddy field ramp was determined as over 3.6m. The slope of paddy field ramp, which provided tractor with 10% of the total weight of the tractor and the mounted implement as reaction force at front wheel against ground was analyzed by considering weight transfer effect on a ramp. The result showed that adequate slope of paddy field ramp was 14°.



  1. 농업기계화연구소 시험연구보고서 기계화경작로 및 포장진입로에 관한 조사연구 김병갑;오인식;신승엽;김학주;이정재;김대년
  2. 벼 수확후의 운반처리체계에 관한 연구 김학주
  3. 농업생산기반정비사업 계획 설계기준(경지정리편) 농림수산부
  4. 경지정리의 최적설계에 관한 연구 농업개발연구소
  5. 농업기계 시험 평가연보 농업기계화연구소
  6. 농업기계화연구소 시험연구보고서 농도실태와 농기계이용도 조사연구 정두호;이운룡;이동현;이성범;홍성기
  7. 농업동력학 정창주;류관희;김경욱
  8. 농업기계연감 한국농업기계학회;한국농기계공업협동조합
  9. 圃場整備 日本農業土木綜合硏究所
  10. ISO 4251-1. Tyres(ply rating marked series) and rims for agricultural tractors and machines Tyre designation and dimensions International organization for standardization