인터넷 종합 쇼핑몰에서의 배송정책 의사결정지원시스템

A Decision Support System for Delivery Policies at an Internet Shopping Mall

  • 이주영 (쌍용정보통신(주) 품질경영팀) ;
  • 박양병 (경희대학교 기계·산업시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


This paper presents a decision support system (DSS) for selecting the best delivery policy at an internet general shopping mall with its own distribution center and many outside enterprises linked up with the mall. The DSS provides the decision maker with the performance information of three delivery policies (individual delivery, collective delivery, mixed delivery) for the given service level, customer order pattern, direct/indirect delivery ratio, unit costs of various delivery modes, upper level of goods characteristic index for collective delivery poller, etc. Furthermore, the DSS allows the decision maker to perform the sensitivity analyses of three delivery policies for their major parameters and unit costs of delivery modes. The DSS is developed with AweSim simulation 1anguage and Visual Basic programming 1anguage.
