- Circulation v.58 The Bjork-Shiley aortic prosthesis:Flow characteristics,thrombus formation and tissue overgrowth Yoganathan,A.P;Corcoran,W.H;Harrison,E.C;Cari,J.R
- Artificial Organs v.14 no.5 Quantification of perivalvular thrombus formation in blood pumps by coordinate mapping Pantalos,G.M;Everrett,S.D;Mohammad,S.F;Burns,G.L;Solen,K.A;Reynolds,L.O;Olsen,D.B
- J.biomechanics v.29 no.5 A three-dimensional,time-dependent analysis of flow through a bileaflet mech-anical heart valve:comparison of experimental and numerical results King,M.J;Corden,J;David,T;Fisher,J
- J.biomechanics v.31 Analysis of 3d transient blood flow passing through an artificial aortic valve by Lattice-Boltzmann methods Krafczyk,M;Cerrolaza,M;Schulz,M;Rank,E
- 의공학회지 v.19 no.3 인공판막 후부 공동부가 판막의 수력학적 성능에 미치는 영향 이계한;서종천
- Ann.Biomed.Eng v.24 Effect of the sinus geometry on the dynamics of bio-prosthetic heart valves (abstract) Thubrikar,MI;Selim,G;Robicsek,F;Fowler,B
- Advanced Engineering,ASME v.33 A Numerical Study of Flow Through a Mechanical Heart Valve Jong,H,Wang;George Guo;Stefan Schreck;Michael Prisco
- Contemporary Mathmatics v.141 Computation of In compressible Viscous Flows Through Artificial Heart Devices with Moving Boundaries Kiris,C.R;Rogers,S;Kwak,D;Chang,I.E
- Advances in Bioengineering,ASME v.33 Experimental-Numerical Analysis of Mitral Mechanical Heart Valve Fluid Dynamics and Cavitation Potential John,M;Siegel,Jr;Vinod,B.,Makhijani;Ashok,K.,Singhal
- Advances in Bioengineering,ASME v.33 Computational simulations of the flow convergence method for the quantification of mitral valve regurgitation:comparison of Fluent and CFD-ACD Joanne Hopmeyer;Patrick W;Wilkerson;Robert A.Levin;Ajit P.Yoganthan
- Physician's Manual St.Jude Medical Pyrolytc Carbon Heart Valve St.Jude Medical,Inc.