기계식 인공심장판막의 경량화 구조설계를 위한 혈액유동과 상호작용하는 판막거동의 구조역학적 특성연구

Structural Analysis on the Leaflet Motion Interacted with Blood Flow for Thickness Minimization Design of a Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


This paper investigates the structural analysis and design of mechanical heart valve through the numerical analysis methodology. In a numerical analysis methodology application to the thickness minimization structural design of mechanical heart valve, fluid analysis is performed for the blood flow through a bileaflet mechanical heart valve. Simultaneously the kinetodynamic analysis is carried out to obtain the appropriate structural condition for the structural analysis. Thereafter the structural static analysis is also carried out to confirm the thickness minimization structural condition(minimum thickness shape of leaflet).



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