- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.82 On fuzzy semi-continuity, fuzzy almost continuity and fuzzy weakly continuity K. K. Azad
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.24 Fuzzy topological spaces C. L. Chang
- J. Fazzy Math. v.2 Fuzzy bitopological space and separation axioms N. R. Das;D.C. Baishya
- On fuzzy open maps, closed maps and fuzzy continuous maps in a fuzzy bitopological spaces N. R. Das;D. C. Baishya
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.46 Fuzzy extremally disconnected spaces B. Ghosh
- Simon Stevin v.63 Biproximaties and fuzzy bito-pological spaces A. Kandil
- Proc. London Math. Soc. v.13 Bitopological spaces J. C. Kelly
- Proc. Polish Sym. Interval and Fuzzy Math. Poznan Fuzzy bitopological spaces and quasifuzzy proximities T. Kubiak
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.62 On fuzzy pairwise α-conti nuity and fuzzy pairwise pre-continuity S. S. Kumar
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.64 Semi-open sets, semi-continuity and semi-open mappings in fuzzy bitopological spaces S. S. Kumar
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.19 On fuzzy topological spaces S. Nanda
- 한국퍼지 및 지능 시스템학회 논문집 v.8 no.7 Fuzzy quasi-continuity and fuzzy quasi-separation axioms J. H. Park;J. H. Park;S. Y. Shin
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.76 Fuzzy topology I. Neighborhood structure of fuzzy point and Moore-Smith convergence P. M. Pu;Y. M. Liu
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.45 Fuzzy topology: Product and quotient theorems C. K. Wong
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.126 Fuzzy sets and functions on fuzzy spaces H. T. Yalvac