To make an assessment of the compatibility between DOAS and conventional point monitoring system (MCSAM-2: MS2), we investigated the concentrations of three criteria pollutants which include S $O_2$, N $O_2$, and $O_3$from a national monitoring station in Seoul during the periods of June 1999~August 2000. The average concentration values for the whole study period derived from hourly concentration data sets of those three species indicated that the mean differences between the two methods can be approximated as 18%. When the bias structure of two systems was evaluated through the computation of percent difference(PD) between the two such as ( $C_{DOAS}$- $C_{conventional}$ $C_{DOAS}$*100, differences between the two systems appeared to be quite systematic among different compounds. While the mode of bias peaked at 0~20% or 20~40% in terms of PD values, the cause of such positive bias mainly arised from generally enhanced concentration values of DOAS system. The structure of bias among different species was further assessed through linear regression analysis. Results of the analysis indicated that the dominant portions of differences observed from two monitoring systems can be accounted for by the systematic differences in their spanning and zeroing systems. S $O_2$(MS2)=0.6385 S $O_2$(DOAS)+2.0985($r^2$=0.7894) N $O_2$(MS2)=0.6548 N $O_2$(DOAS)+7.437($r^2$=0.7687) $O_3$(MS2)=1.0359 $O_3$(DOAS)-7.7885($r^2$=0.7944) The findings of slope values at around 0.64~0.65 from two species suggest that DOAS should respond more sensitively in upper bound concentration range. The offset values apart from zero indicate that more deliberate comparison needs to be made between these monitoring systems. However, based on the existence of strong correlations from at least 8,000 data points for each species of comparison, we were able to conclude that the compatibility of two monitoring systems is highly significant. With the improvement of calibration techniques for the DOAS system. its applicability for routine monitoring of airborne pollutant species is expected to be quite extendable.