- 확률화응답모형 류제복;홍기학;이기성
- Journal of Educational Statistics v.7 Optimal Randomized Response Models and Methods for Hypothesis Testing Carr,J.W.;Marascuilo,L.A.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.71 Asymptotically Optimal Randomized Response Procedures Loynes,R.M.
- Randomized Response : Theory and Techniues Chaudhuri,A.;Mukerjee,R.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.64 The Unrelated Question Randomized Response Model : Theoretical Framework Geenberg,B.G.;Abul-Ela;Abdel-Latif,A.;Simmons,W.R.;Horvitz,D.G.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.66 Applications of the Randomized Response Technique in Obtaining Quantitative Data Greenberg,B.G.;Kubler,R.R.;Abernally,J.R.;Horvitz,D.G.
- Journal of the American statistical Association v.60 A Survey Technique for Eliminating Evasive Anser Bias Warner,S.L.