- 서울대학교 박사논문 한국어의 리듬 단위와 문법 구조 음성 합성에서 리듬 구현의 자연성 향상을 위한 음성 언어학적 연구 김선미
- Computer Processing of Oriental Language v.13 no.4 Integrating linguistic and signal knowledge in a morpheme based speech corpus annotation tool 김병창;이진석;차정원;이근배;이종혁
- ACM transactions on asian language information processing Hybrid grapheme to phoneme conversion for unlimited vocabularies 김병창;이근배;이종혁
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- report L&H-SR-2000-012 Proposal for an Attributed Grammar Format F. Tendeau;J. Verhasselt
- NLU.ppt: Powerpoint presentation that introduces the Attributed Grammar Format that is proposed for L&H BNF+ F. Tendeau
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