A Comparison of the Food and Nutrient Intake of Adolescents between Urban Areas and Islands in South Kyungnam

경남지역 일부 도시와 어촌 중학생의 영양소 섭취 및 식습관 비교

  • 안계수 (경남대학교 교육대학원 가정교육과) ;
  • 신동순 (경남대학교 생명과학부 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2001.08.01


This study was performed to compare the anthropometric and the food and nutrient intake of the adolescents between urban areas and islands in south Kyungnam and to identify their nutritional problems. A questionnaire survey was distributed among 383 middle school students for the food and nutrient consumption and other nutritional attitudes including socioecomonic status. The height and weight of the students were measured as well. Socioeconomic status, such as income, educational level, and jobs of the urban students parents was better than that of the island students. There was no significant difference in height between the students of both areas, but the body weight of the urban male students was far heavier than that of the other group. It is very interesting to note that the energy intake of the urban male students was much lower than that of the island male students. The students of the two areas consumed more protein, Vit B$_1$, Vit B$_2$, niacin and Vit C than the recommended daily allowances(RDA) but the intake of Ca, Fe, Vit A was less. As to the sources of animal fat, the urban males consumed much more. Regarding the taste preference, the study shows that urban male students are more likely to choose sweet, salty and soft tastes than island male students. In the case of female students, although island students prefer a rather hot taste, urban students are more likely to prefer sweet and soft tastes. The favorite foods of urban students are meat products, fastfoods, chocolate, cheese and milkshakes, while foods like cooked rice with assorted vegetable are the favorite of the island students. In general, the preference degree for meat products and fruits rates higher than for vegetables. Conclusively the urban students had a tendency of being obese and the intake of all nutrients by the urban adolescents was much lower than that of the islanders. In this study, the cause can be found in significant differences in consuming animal fat, of taste preference and of choosing favorite food. Accordingly a nutritional intervention or educational program is required to adjust the imbalanced intake of some nutrients for the adolescents in this province.
