A Study on the Menu Patterns of Residents in Kangbukgu( I ) -Whole Menu Patterns and Menu Patterns by Meal-

서울시 강북구 주민의 메뉴패턴에 관한 연구(I) -전체 메뉴패턴과 끼니별 메뉴패턴 중심으로-

  • 허인영 (단국대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 문현경 (단국대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2001.10.01


The purpose of this study is to suggest the menu patters of people in Kangbukgu for the basic data of the nutrition education program in its health center. The dietary intake was investigated by the 24-hour recall method for 488 subjects. To analyze patterns, dishes were classified into major staple food, kimchi, soup and side dishes and also classified into 24 categories by cooking method. Patterns by the kind of dishes for the subjects were cooked rice + soup + kimchi 〉noodle + kimchi > cooked rice + kimchi in the order of frequency of use. Patterns for breakfast were, cooked rice + soup + kimchi > coated rice + soup + two dishes of kimchi. For lunch, patterns were, noodle + kimchi > footed rice + kimchi = cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For dinner, patterns were, cooked rice + soup + kimchi = cooked rice + kimchi > noodle + kimchi. Results of analyzing by the number of dishes, were cooked rice + soup + kimchi + one side dish 〉cooked rice + soup + kimchi + two side dishes. It was significantly different by meal(p<0.01). The results of analyzing patterns for the main staple foods were cooked rice〉noodle > bread in that order. It was significantly different by meal(p<0.01). The results of analyzing patterns, with those considered basic food, cooked rice, soup and stew, were cooked rice + soup > cooked rice > cooked rice + stew. It was significantly different by meal(p < 0.01). With these results, the menu patterns of people in Kangbukgu were different by meal. The main dish was mostly cooked rice and the menu has the traditional menu patters, composed of cooked rice, soup and kimchi.
