The Effect of Nutrition Education Program for Various Chronic Disease in Elderly Visiting Public Health Center

보건소 내원 노인들의 질병별 영양교육 효과에 관한 연구

  • 손숙미 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 식품양양전공) ;
  • 김문정 (가톨릭대학교 성가병원 영양과)
  • Published : 2001.10.01


This study conducted to assess the effectiveness of nutrition education program for elderly females with various diseases. Forty subjects(hypertension ; 20, diabetes ; 12, hyperlipidemia ; 8) out of 56 completed the 7 weeks nutrition education program. The nutrition education program was based for healthy food habits and dietary guidelines for each specific disease. It also included practicing individualized menu planning and exercising program. Energy, calcium, iron, vitamin A and ash intakes significantly increased in the hypertension group. total sodium intake did not decrease, however sodium intake per kcal decreased significantly(p〈0.05). Elderly with diabetes did not show any changes in dietary intakes. Dietary protein, plant fat, ash, and sodium intakes were significantly elevated(p〈0.05), but cholesterol intakes significantly decreased(p〈0.05) in the hyperlipidemic group. Elderly with hypertension agreed strongly with changes of food habits such as increasing milk intake, and decreasing Kimchi, soup, pickles and salty food, and table salt intakes after nutrition education. Diabetic elderly showed significantly improved food habit scores in decreasing white rice intake, sugar intake and increasing sea-weed consumption, vegetable consumption and exercise. Hyperlipidemic elderly did not show much improvement in food habit scores except in biochemical indices. However, mean serum glucose and atherogenic index decreased in the diabetic and hyperlipidemic groups after education, respectively.
