다색성 천연염료의 매염 및 염색특성에 관한 연구(제1보)-자초-

The Study on the Mordanting and Dyeing Properties of Polygenetic Natural Dyes (Part 1)-Lithodpermum officinale-

  • 주영주 (중앙대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 소황옥 (중앙대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


For the purpose of standardization and practicability of dyeing by natural dye, the mordanting and dyeing properties of Lithodpermum officinale were studied. Appropriate extraction, dveing and mordanting conditions of Lithodpermum officinale were determined, and the effect of mordanting no dye uptake and color fastness of dyed fabric was investigated. The maximum absorbances of Lithopermum officinale solution were at 521 and 561 mn, shikonin solution were 517 and 556 mn. According to the UV-VIS spectroscopy of shikonin solution showed batho chromic shift with the increase of temperature and the absorbance of shikonin solution increased with the increase of temperature. The color of Lithodpermum officinale solution was affected by pH 8∼9, they became dark, reduced reddish and bluish. The optimum conditions for extraction from Lithodpermum officinale were at 80$\^{C}$ and for 1 hour and at 25$\^{C}$ for 24 hours. And effective dyeing conditions with silk fabric were temperature at 80∼100$\^{C}$ and period for 60min. K/S value and color fastness of dyed fabrics were increased by mordanting treatment. In the case of Lithodpermum officinale light fastness was better than Sophora japonica, Gaesalpinia Sappan, Rhusjara,. Cochineal dyeing fabrics. Perspiration fastness of Lithodpermum officinale were good. Fastness of abrasion and dry-cleaning were good these fastness improvement were generatlly effected by post-mordanting treatment.



  1. 세종대학원 박사학위논문 한국전통염직에 관한 문헌적 연구 소황옥
  2. 식품화학 이규한
  3. 식품분석법 주현(외)
  4. 天然着色科ハンドック 谷村顯雄
  5. 건국대 생활문화연구소 v.3 한국전통자염 연구 이양섭
  6. The Merck Index Tenth Edition Martha Wlndholz;Susan Budavari;Rosemary F.Blumetti;Elezabeth S.Otterbein
  7. 과학기술처 1차년도 보고서 식물성 천연염료의 색소추출과 염색조건의 표준화를 위한 실헙연구 소황옥
  8. 중앙대 대학원 석사학위논문 지치 뿌리중에 함유된 shikonin색소의 식용이용가능성 박철수
  9. 한국염색가공학회지 v.11 no.4 천연염료에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) 조경래