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- Jorunal of Marriagen and Family v.49 Assessing the relationship between quality of life and marital and income satisfaction: A path analytic approach Berry R.; Williams F.
- The Family coordination v.19 no.1 Measurement of Marital communication Bieuvenu M. J.
- University of Missouri-Columbia Ph.D. Household production as a determinant of satisfaction with economic circumstances Dillard B. L.
- Financial Counseling and Planning v.5 Net worth change: Beginning and expanding life cycle stages Fitzsimmons V.S.;Leach L.J.
- Association for Financial Couseling and Planning Education Saving and financial planning:Some findings from a focus group kennickell A.B.;Starr-McCluer M.;Sunden A.F.
- Manging for better future Financial strategies relating to spousal financial arguments Lawrence F.;R.Thomasson; P. Wozniak;A. Prawitz;C. Cater
- Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences no.여름 Expanding our understanding of quality of life, standard of living, and well-being McGregor L.T.;Goldsmith E.B.
- Lifestyle:Family and Economic Issues v.11 no.4 Assessing the causal relationship among communication, money management practice,satisfaction with financial status.and satisfaction of quality of life Mugenda O.M;Hira T.K.;Fanslow A.M.
- Successful money management Rowe B.R.;Hansen K.W.;Perterwon M.M.
- Lifestyle: Family and Economic Issues v.12 no.4 Toward working hypotheses of effective management: Conditions, thought processes, and behaviors Sharpe D.L.;Winter M.
- Journal of Consumer Research 6. Strategies used by working and nonworking wives to reduce time pressures Stober M.H.;C.B. Weinberg