- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.157 Subcutaneous abscesses in iguanid lizards Boam GW;Samger VL;Vaughan DP
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.157 The pathogenicity for mice of two species of salmonella isolated from the green iguana (Iguana Iiguana) Boam GW;Samger VL;Vaughan DP
- Introduction to Veterinary Pathology(2nd ed) Lethal Injury and Cell Death Cheville NF
- Handbook of zoo medicine Infectious Diseases Frank W
- Vet Med Small Anim Clin v.69 Mycotic granulomata involving the forefeet of a turtle Frye FL;Dutra FR
- Lab Anim care v.16 Health and disease Gibbs EL;Gibbs TJ;van Dyck PC
- J Wildl Dis v.28 Ectoparasite-induced lesions in mite pockets of the Yarrow's spiny lizard. Sceloporus jarrovii(Phrynosomatidae) Goldberg SR;Holshuh HJ
- J Wildl Dis v.27 Integumental lesions caused by ectoparasites in a wild population of the side-blotched lizard(Uta stansburiana) Goldberg SR;Bursey CR
- BMTW v.76 Absze β ahnliche Nekrosen bei Schlangen aus Zoologischen Garten Grunberg WE;Kutzer E;Otte E
- VISZ v.IV Die spontane Tuberkulose bei Kaltblutern Ippen R
- Abl Dt Akad Wiss v.1 Vergleichende pathologische Untersuchungen uber die spontane und experimentelle Tuberkulose der Kalbbluter Ippen R
- VISZ v.VI Die Tuberkulose der in Zoologischen Garten gehaltenen Tirer Ippen R
- J Wildl Dis v.6 A turtle colony epizootic apparently of microbial origin Jackson CG;Fulton M
- Pathology of Domestic Animals(4th ed) The Liver and Biliary System Kelly WR
- Pathology of domestic animals(4th ed) The male genital system Ladds PW
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.157 Acid-fast granuloma in a turtle's eye Leonaed JL;Shields RP
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.159 Infectious diseases of reptiles Marcus LC
- Zbl Bakt I Abt Orig v.A229 Bakteriologische Untersuchungen bei Reptilien und Amphibien Mayer H;Frank W
- J Zoo WidL Med v.28 Cutaneous mycoses in chameleons caused by the chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii (Apinis) Currah Pare JA;Sigler L;Hunter DB;Summcrbell RC;Smith DA;Machin KL
- J Hyg v.57 A strain of Mycobacterium isolated from skin lesions of a cold-blooded animal, Xenopus laevis, and its relation to atypical acid-fast bacilli occuring in man Schwabacher H
- VISZ v.XIV Ein Beitrag zu den Erkrankungen der Haut und Unteraut bei Reptilien und Amphibiem Taborski A
- Zoo Anvers v.39 Maladies des reptiles Zwart P
- Pathology of Domestic Animals(4th ed) The Skin and Appendages Yager JA;Scott DW