The Meaning of Wangwei's Natural Beauty and His Garden, Wangchuan Villa

왕유의 자연미와 망천별업의 조경사적 의의

  • Published : 2001.06.01


Beginning in the Wei-Chin and Liu Ch´ao era(AD. 220-589), an awareness of natural beauty emerged as the major interest of scholars which created such a social atmosphere that served as the foundation of prosperous Chinese art. During the T´ang period, the desire to achieve natural beauty began to dominate every field of art including gardening. This study covers the T´ang period when scholars began to be conscious of aesthetics. The main objective of this study is to examine the significance of natural beauty as interpreted by Wangwei, an artist representative of the period, and of Wangchuan Villa in relation to aspects of garden theory. This study is mainly based on Wangwei´s anthology, landscape painting describing Wangchuan Villa, and historical records related to the Villa. The summary of conclusions of this study is as follows: 1) Wangwei´s concept of natural beauty is a combination of objective natural beauty and pastoral beauty, which stresses the essential beauty of nature. Moreover, he considered nature as a religious Utopia. 2)Wangchuan Villa, where Wangwei stayed until his death, was a place of seclusion representing his idea of natural beauty. There, he was able to realize the paradise of Buddhism full of zen aspirations. 3)From the perspective of garden theory, Wangchuan Villa can be classified as a suburb villa in terms of location, as a landscape garden in terms of elements, and as a villa based on a typical private land system in terms of forms. In addition, it may be considered as a garden that laid the foundation to realize a field of non-visible image and non-visible landscape, which is fundamental element of scholarly garden design.



  1. 중국문화와 과거제도;中國文化與科學制度 강길중(역);金請
  2. 중국회화이론사;中國繪畵理論史 강관식(역);萬路
  3. 미의 역정;美的 歷程 윤수영(역);李澤厚
  4. 현대문학 v.504 시와 그림, 불교와 도교의 만남-왕유 문학의 고향 숭산과 종남산을 찾아 김용표
  5. 서울대 석사학위논문 왕유 연구 김재승
  6. 동양회화사상 김종태
  7. 시불 왕유의 시 박삼수
  8. 당송변혁기론(서울대학교 동양사학연구실편 "강좌 중국사III") 신성갑
  9. 중국시가예술연구 하;中國詩歌藝術硏究 下袁 강영순 외(역);袁行
  10. 예술문화연구 v.4 중국예술에 있어서의 의경 서진희(역)
  11. 왕유시선 이병한
  12. 중국문학개론 이수웅
  13. 홍익대 석사학위논문 왕유연구-산수화사상의 지위와 평가 이충효
  14. 세계사연표 정창열(외)
  15. 중국대륙의 문화 1 고도 장안 동국대학교
  16. 학원세계대백과사전 v.3 학원출판공사사전편찬국
  17. 王維硏究 入谷仙介
  18. 中國畵論 類編下 兪劍華(編著)
  19. 禪與中國園林 任曉紅
  20. 詩情與幽境-唐代文人的園林生活 侯慧
  21. 中國古典園林史 周維權
  22. 王維集校主 陳鐵民 校主
  23. 王維-文人畵粹編 中國篇
  24. 長安志 新文豊業書集成新編 v.96
  25. 讀史方與紀要 v.53
  26. 中國大白科全書-美術