일제강점기 주택개량운동에 나타난 문화주택의 의미

A Study on the Meaning of Cultural Residence in the 1910~1945

  • 안성호 (정회원, (주)시반건축사사무소)
  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning of the ‘Cultural Residence(Munhwa Residence)’, which is the most popular keyword in the Korean modernization of housing. In the 1920s, Cultural Residence means a Western Style Housing mainly American Bungalow Style Residence. In the 1930s, the meaning of ‘Cultural Residence’ swifts to the Japanese modern Housing having central corridor with a western style reception room. In spite of changing of its plan type, the word of Cultural Residence holds the meaning of a Western Style Residence mainly in its appearance, materials and structural system.



  1. 開闢
  2. 東亞日報
  3. 別乾昆
  4. 朝光
  5. 朝鮮 朝鮮總督府
  6. 朝鮮 と 建築 朝鮮建築會
  7. 日帝時代 住宅改良에 관한 硏究 金晶我
  8. 서울에 딴스홀을 許하라 김진송
  9. 대한건축학회논문집 일제시대 한국인 건축가에 의한 주거 근대화에 관한 연구 임창복
  10. 朴吉龍의 生涯와 建築에 관한 硏究 崔栒愛
  11. 異文化の葛藤と同化-韓國におけゐ「日式住宅」 都市住居硏究會
  12. 北大工學部硏究報告 no.21 明治時代の住宅改良と中廊下形住宅樣式の成立 木村德國
  13. 新建築學大系-7,住居論 扇田新(외 9명)
  14. 住宅近代史 太田博太郞(編)