섬유.의류산업의 B-to-B EC에서 SCM으로 QR 수행을 위한 인터넷 활용

Internet Usage for the Implementation of Quick Response as Supply Chain Management across Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce in Textile and Apparel Industry

  • 오현남 (서울여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


The purpose of this study is to identify Internet usage for the implementation of Quick Response Supply Chain Management across Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce in textile and apparel industry. This paper involves theoretical studies, which developed 3 steps to analyze the relationship of B-to-B EC, SCM, and QR, and provides broader awareness of new trend in the textile and apparel industry. SCM as one of B-to-B EC solutions introduced QR into the textile and apparel industry in 1985, and B-to-B EC is regarded as a means for achievement of QR with the widespread adoption of Internet technologies by businesses over the last four years. Finally, the Internet enables textile and apparel firms to access international networks of suppliers, distributors, and customers, so Internet-based B-to-B EC, SCM, and QR with Internet/EDI and XML/EDI are expected to become a central part in propelling fashion business into new directions.
