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- J. Memory Language v.25 Event-related brain potentials during initial encoding and recognition memory of congruous and incongrous words Neville,H.J.;Kutas,M.;Chesney,G.;Schmidt,A.L.
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- Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. v.72 Event-related potentials and recognition memory for words Rugg,M.D.;Nagy,N.E.
- J. Cognit. Neurosci. v.5 Neurophysiological manifestations of recollective experience during recognition memory judgments Smith,M.E.
- J. Cognit. Neurosci. v.4 An event-related potential (ERP) analysis of semantic congruity and repetition effects in sentences Besson,M.;Kutas,M.;Van Petten,C.
- Hum. Neurobiol. v.6 Cognitive evoked potentials as modulatory processes in human memory formation and retrieval Halgren,E.;Smith,M.E.
- Science v.207 Reading senseless sentences: brain potentials reflect semantic incongruity Kutas,M.;Hillyard,S.A.
- Current trends in event-related potential research, Electroenceph, Clin. Neurophysiol. suppl. v.40 Recognition memory for pictures and words: the effect of incidental and intentional learning on N400 Noldy-Cullum,N.E.;Stelmack,R.M.;R.Johnson(ed.);J.W.Rohrbaugh(ed.);R.Parasuraman(ed.)
- Psychophysiology v.23 Searching for the names of pictures: an event-related potential study Stuss,D.T.;Picton,T.W.;Cerri,A.M.
- Dynamics of sensory and cognitive processes in the brain The endogenous evoked potentials Picton,T.W.;E.Basar(ed.)
- Biol. Psychol. v.30 ERPs during continuous recognition memory for words Friedman,D.
- J. Psychophysiol. v.7 Recognition memory and ERPs: Age-related changes in young, middle-aged, and elderly adults Friedman,D.;Berman,S.;Hamberger,M.
- Int. J. Psychophysiol. v.34 Brain event-related potentials (ERP) in schizophrenia during a word recognition memory task Kayser,J.;Bruder,G.E.;Friedman,D.;Tenke,C.E.;Amador,X.F.;Clark,S.C.;Malaspina,D.;Gorman,J.M.
- J. Exp. Psychol: Learn. Mem. Cogn. v.15 Dissociation of recognition memory components following temporal lobe lesions Smith,M.E.;Halgren,E.
- Brain v.114 Event-related potentials related to recognition memory. Effects of unilateral temporal lobectomy and temporal lobe epilepsy Rugg,M.D.;Roberts,R.C.;Potter,D.D.;Pickles,C.D.;Nagy,M.E.
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- Cognitive electrophysiology: Basic and clinical research Event-related potentials dissociate immediate and delayed memory Nielsen-Bohlman,L.;Knight,R.T.;H.J.Heinze(ed.);T.F.Munte(ed.);G.R.Mangun(ed.)
- J. Cognit. Neurosci. v.4 Event-related potentials and recognition memory for low-and high-frequency words Rugg,M.D.;Doyle,M.C.
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- Science v.203 Brain event related to the making a sensory discrimination Ritter,W.;Simson,R.;Vaughan,H.G.;Friedman,D.A.
- Nature v.372 Word recognition in the human inferior temporal lobe Nobre,A.C.;Allison,T.;McCarthy,G.
- Science v.249 Activation of extrastriate and frontal cortical areas by visual words and word-like stimuli Petersen,S.E.;Fox,P.T.;Snyder,A.Z.;Raichle,M.E.
- Brain Cognit. v.36 The relation of ERP components to complex memory processing Dunn,B.R.;Dunn,D.A.;Languis,M.;Andrews,D.
- Int. J. Neurosci. v.66 Event-related potentials in a guessing task: The gleam in the eye effect McDonough,B.E.;Warren,C.A.;Don,N.S.
- Psychophysiology v.27 Cross-modal selective attention effects on retinal, myogenic, brainstem and cerebral evoked potentials Hackley,S.A.;Woldorff,M.;Hillyard,S.A.
- Psychophysiology v.31 Electrophysiological correlates of feature analysis during visual search Luck,S.J.;Hillyard,S.A.
- Science v.202 Short-term memory: The storage component of human brain responses predicts recall Chapman,R.M.;McCrary,J.W.;Chapman,J.A.
- J. Exp. Psychol. v.19 Monitoring changes in cognitive load during reading: An event-related brain potential and reaction time analysis Raney,G.E.
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- Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. v.76 The intracranial topography of the P3 event-related potential elicited during auditory oddball Smith,M.E.;Halgren,E.;Sokolik,M.;Baudena,P.;Musolino,A.;Liegeois-Chauvel,C.;Chauvel,P.
- Brain v.111 Scalp recorded P300 activity in patients following unilateral temporal lobectomy Johnson,R.
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- Psychol. Sci. v.6 Monitoring conscious recollection via the electrical activity of brain Paller,K.A.;Kutas,M.;Mclsaac,H.K.
- J. Neurosci. v.11 Anterior and posterior association cortex contributions to the somatosensory P300 Yamaguchi,S.;Knight,R.T.
- Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. v.63 Human medial temporal lobe potentials evoked in memory and language tasks Smith,M.E.;Stapleton,J.M.;Halgren,E.
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- J. Neurosci. v.15 Language related field potentials in the anterior-medial temporal lobe: I. Intracranial distribution and neural generators McCarthy,G.;Nobre,A.C.;Bentin,S.;Spencer,D.D.