장기개발계획상의 방재제도 개선

Improvement of Flood Disaster Mitigation on Long-term Development Plan

  • 고영찬 (초당대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 오남선 (목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


Disaster mitigation, especially as a concept similar to damage mitigation caused by heavy rainfalls and flood is closely related to long-term development plan. This plan of an harbor area where is located in lower region is established and carried under consideration of disaster mitigation concept such as internal drainage and so on. Flood damage is somewhat predictable in accordance with height, stream and rainfall characteristics of the region. Therefore it is necessary to establish national and urban plan under consideration of this fact. But this consideration of existing regulation and institution is insufficient and improvement of regulation and institution is needed. This consideration of disaster mitigation fields is regulated declaratively and inclusively in national plan which is established in broad region, and specifically and detailedly in urban plan which is established in narrow region. The program to improve regulation and institution is proposed in order to consider disaster mitigation fields as a level of this plan.



  1. 방재기본계획 수립의 개선에 관한 연구 고영찬
  2. 방재기본계획의 정책과제 및 추진책에 관한 연구 고영찬
  3. 보험개발연구 no.1 손해보험요율잔정의 이론과 실무 (Ⅰ)Ⅱ 김태곤
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  10. 지방행정연구 v.11 no.2 개발사업 규모에 따른 전국 주요하천의 홍수재해 위험성 증가분석 심재현;김동완
  11. 각종 토지이용 및 개발계획 수립시 방재사전심의제도 도입방안 연구(Ⅰ) 심재현(외 2명)
  12. 재난종합간리체제에 관한 연구 임송태(외 3명)
  13. 도시계획 정삼석
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  17. Mitigation Federal Emergency Management Agency
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