- Proc. ASCE v.105 no.GT9 Sample disturbance and stress-strain behav-iour Drnevich,V.P.;Massarsch,K.R.
- Proc. ASCE v.94 no.SM2 Vibration modulus of normally consolidated clay Hardin,B.O.;Black,W.L.
- Proc. 8th Asian Regional5 Conference on Soil Mecha-nics and Foundation Engineerings v.2 In-situ dynamic soil properties and thear evaluations Kokusho,T.
- 動的解析と 耐震設計 (地震動ㆍ動的物性) v.1 日本土木學會
- 土質 動力學の 基礎 石原硏而
- 地盤と構造物 池田俊雄
- 動的解析と 耐震設計 (地震動ㆍ動的物性) 土木學會