- Flow of gases through porous media Carman, P. C.
- KGS '99 Dredging Geoenvironmental Conference Large Consolidation Settlement Occurred during Reclamation Works in the Nakdong River Mouth Kim, S. K.
- Clays and Clay Minerals v.19 Mechanisms controlling the permeability of clays Mesri, G.;Olson, R. E.
- Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.100 no.GT8 Theory of consolidation for clays Mesri, G.;Rkohsar, A.
- Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.108 no.GT6 Permeability and Consolidation of Normally Consolidatefd soils Samarasinghe, A. M.;Huang, Y. H.,;Drnevich, V. P.
- Fundamentals of soil mechanics Taylor, D. W.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.20 The permeability of natural soft clay, Part Ⅰ: Method of laboratory measurement Tavenas, F.;Jean, P.;Leblond, P.;Leroueil, S.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.20 The permeability of natural soft clay. Part Ⅱ: Permeability characteristics Tavenas, F.;Jean, P.;Leblond, P.;Leroueil, S.
- Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.97 no.SM10 Consolidation at Constant Rate of Strain Wissa, A. E. Z.;Christian, J. T.;Davis, E. H.;Heiberg, S.
- Abteilung II a Uber Kapillare Leitung des wassers im Boden, Sitzungsberichte der Akadamie der Wissenschaften in Wien Kozeny, J. S.