
  • 발행 : 2001.05.01




  1. IEEE Visualization '96 Visualization of complex models using dynamic texture based simplification D. G. Aliaga
  2. IEEE Visualization '97 Architectural Walkthroughs Using Portal Textures D. G. Aliaga;Anselmo A. Lastra
  3. European Conference on Computer Vision 3D Model Acquistion from Extended Image Sequences Beardsley, Paul;Phil Torr;Andrew Zisserman
  4. Communications of the ACM v.9 no.10 Texture and reflection in computer generated images J. F. Blinn;M. E. Newell
  5. SIGGRAPH93 View Interpolation for Image Synthesis S. E. Chen;L. Williams
  6. SIGGRAPH95 QuickTime VR-An Image-Based Approach to Virtual Environment Navigation S. E. Chen
  7. Ph.D. Thesis, UC Berkeley Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs P. Debevec
  8. SIGGRAPH98 Rendering Synthetic Objects into Real Scenes: Bridging Traditional and Image based Graphics with Global Illumination and High Dynamic Range Photography P. Debevec
  9. 9th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Efficient View-Dependent Image Based Rendering with Projective Texture Mapping P. Debevec;Yizhou Yu;G. D. Borshukov
  10. SIGGRAPH2000 Acquiring the Reflectance Field of a Human Face P. Debevec;Tim Hawkins;Chris Tchou;Haarm-Pieter Duiker;Westley Sarokin;Mark Sagar
  11. Eurographics '99 Multi-Layered Impostors for Accelerated Rendering X. Decoret;G. Schaufler;F. X. Sillion;J. Dorsey
  12. SIGGRAPH96 The Lumigraph Steven J. Gortler;Radek Grzeszczuk;Richard Szeliski;Michael F. Cohen
  13. SIGGRAPH97 Tour into the Picture: Using a Spidery Mesh Interface to Make Animation from a Single Image Y. Horry;K. I. Anjyo;K. Arai
  14. The Immersion '94 project at Interval Reserch Corp
  15. ICCV' 98 Constructing Virtual Worlds Using Dense Stereo T. Kanade(et. al.)
  16. SIGGRAPH97 Rendering with coherent layers Jed Lengyel;John Snyder
  17. SIGGRAPH96 Light Field Rendering M. Levoy;P. Hanrahan
  18. Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics Visual Navigation of Large Environments Using Textured Clusters M. Cohen;P. Shirley
  19. SIGGRAPH95 Plenoptic Modeling: An Image-Based Rendering System L. McMillan;G. Bishop
  20. SIGGRAPH94 Priority rendering with a virtual reality address recalculation pipeline M. Regan;R. Pose
  21. SIGGRAPH97 Object Shape and Reflectance Modeling from Observation Sato, Yoichi;Mark D. Wheeler;Katsushi Ikeuchi
  22. Computer Graphics Forum v.15 no.3 A three-dimensional image cache for virtual reality G. Schaufler;Wolfgan Sturzlinger
  23. 9th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 98 Per-Object Image Warping with Layered Imposters G. Schaufler
  24. SIGGRAPH96 View Morphing S. M. Seitz;C. R. Dyer
  25. SIGGRAPH 96 Hierarchical image caching for accelerated walkthroughs of complex environments J. Shade;D. Lischinski;D. Salesin;T. DeRose;J. Snyder
  26. SIGGRAPH98 Layered Depth Images J. W. Shade;S. J. Gortler;L. He;R. Szeliski
  27. CVGIP: Image Understanding v.58 no.1 Rapid Octree Construction from Image Sequences R. Szeliski
  28. SIGGRAPH97 Creating Full View Panoramic Image Mosaics and Environment Maps R. Szeliski;Heung-Yeung Shum
  29. SIGGRAPH96 Talisman: Commodity Real-time 3D graphics for the PC J. Torborg;Jim Kajiya
  30. SIGGRAPH99 Inverse Global Illumination: Recovering Reflectance Models of Real Scenes From Photographs Yizhou Yu;P. Debevec;Jitendra Malik;Tim Hawkins
  31. MIT Master Thesis CityScape-A Virtual Navigational System for Large Environments Xiong, Rebecca