축분퇴비의 농지환원시 오염부하 포텐셜 평가

Assessment of Pollutant Loading Potential during Land Application of Animal Waste

  • Published : 2001.01.01


Pollutant loading potential was evaluated for manure application practices on farm fields, through survey and pot experiments. The survey indicated that most farmers applied the manure during the early spring. About 74% farmers apply the manure during the period from December to May. Considering the monthly rainfall amount in this period, the pollutant loading potential is not high. Leachate obtained from pot piled up with manure compost, using a rainfall simulator, showed that average concentrations of COD, SS, TKN, N $O_{3-}$N, TP were up to 2,000mg/L, 240mg/L, 107mg/L, 10mg/L, 50mg/L, respectively. These concentrations could be affected by rainfall intensity and the amount of piled manure compost. Therefore, implementation of management practices are recommended to control or minimize of leachate from manure compost piled on farm field.
