가정교과 교사의 수행평가에 대한 태도와 실시현황에 대한 연구

Teacher′s Attitude and practical Application of Performance Assessment in the Home Economics Education

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


The purpose of this research is to study the performance assessment made by high school home economics teachers : their awareness and attitudes toward the assessment correlate with the qualitative output of the executions of it. as well s to determine how their awareness and attitudes toward the assesment correlate with the qualitative output of the executions of their performance assessments. The research has yielded the following results : 1. The attitudinal score shows above average of 58.7/90. By the sub-factors. awareness of the characteristics of performance assessment is 20.6/30 : the favorable attitudinal score is at 20.0/30. the behavioral attention at 9.5/15. and the effects of performance assessment on the teachers and the classes at 8.6/15. 2. In a single semester. the highest frequency of executing performance assessment is between 1 to 2 times (58.7%). and practical skill test is proven to be the most frequently used category at 79.9%. 3. The correlation between the overall attitude on performance assessment and the quality of actual performance assessment executed is high. indicating superior quality of performance assessment. which is directly proportionate to the enhanced attitude of teachers on performance assessment.



  1. 수학과 수행평가에 대한 초등학교 교사들의 인식 및 실시 현황 고지연
  2. 수행평가 시행에 대한 초등학교 교사들의 인식 조사 유경희
  3. 중학교가사과 실기평가 개선에 관한 연구 박영현
  4. 한국가정과교육학회지 v.10 no.2 중학교 가정교과 수행평가 방법 및 도구 개발 윤인경(외)
  5. 한국가정과교육학회지 v.2 no.1 중등학교 가정교과 교육의 실기평가 실태에 관한 연구 이지향
  6. 중학교 가정교과 수행평가의 이론과 실제 윤인경(외)
  7. 중학교 가정교과 기능 실습의 실태에 관한 연구 하금자
  8. Barriers to the implementation of statewide performance program:school personnel perspectives Afferbach(others)
  9. What counts in English class? Selected findings from a statewide study of California high school teachers Cox
  10. Investigating assessment Creagh;McHaney
  11. Perception and Practice: The Impact of Teachers' Scoring Experience on Performance Based Instruction and Classroom Assessment Goldberg;Roswell
  12. Teacher's ideas and practice about assessment and instruction Hilda;Maurene;Kate
  13. High school teachers' attitude toward a statewide high stakes student performance assessment Jett;Schfer
  14. Performance assessment: Mississippi at the Cusp. Keyes(others)
  15. Applied Measurement v.11 no.2 Analytic versus holistic scoring of science performance tasks Klein, S. P.;Stecher, B. M.
  16. Perceived effects of the kentucky instructional results information system(KIRIS) Koretz
  17. The implementation of performance assessment in kentucky classroom Louisville Univ.
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