A Study on the Middle and High School Students′Clothing Gift Purchasing Behavior according to the Consumption Orientation

중.고등학생들의 소비성향에 따른 의류선물구매행동

  • 이지인 (한국 아리퍼리온사 직원) ;
  • 김용숙 (전북대학교 생활과학부 의류학전공)
  • Published : 2001.04.01


The purpose was to identify the middle and high school students'clothing gift purchasing behavior according to the consumption orientation. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 585 middle and high school students who had an experience of purchasing a clothing gift more than one time during recent one year in Chonbuk province from Mar. 6 to Mar. 15 2000. Frequency. percentage. mean. standard deviation. factor analysis. $\varkappa$$_2$-test. t-test. one way ANOVA were used for data analysis. Duncan's Multiple Range test was followed. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The student's consumption orientation factors were consisted of plan, practicality. and pleasure. and they were divided into the practicality pursuit. the convenience pursuit. and the feeling pursuit. 2. The practicality pursuit considered practical aspects more. but considered external aspects of gifts less. gift purchasing frequencies was less. and selected cheaper gifts. The convenience pursuit considered practical aspects less. purchased gift more frequently. and selected ore expensive ones. The feeling pursuit considered practical aspects and external aspects of gift important. 3. Girls considered the external aspects of clothing gift more important than boys. and patronized the specialty store or discount outlet. The students in high schools or with more pocket money considered more criteria when selecting gifts. and selected more expensive ones. 4. Middle and high school students game and took gifts 1-3 times a year. and the common price rage was 10,000-30,000 won. Girls with more pocket money and in older ages selected more expensive gifts. On birthday or parents day. they used to select clothing as a gift more frequently. and the rank order of the favorite items were socks or stockings. handkerchiefs. and upper outer wears. They patronized specially store or opposite sexes.



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