- Math.Stat.Prob v.2 Abstract Wiener spaces, Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp L.Gross
- J.Gunvt.Anal v.1 Potential theory on Hilbert spaces L.Gross
- Duke Math.J. v.41 ntegration by parts for abstract Wiener Measures H.-H. Kuo
- Lecture Notes in Math v.463 Gaussian Measure in Banach Spaces H.-H.Kuo
- Trans.Amer.Math.Soc v.262 Application of the Fourier- Wiener transform to differential equations on infinite dimensional spaces I Y.J.Lee
- J.Funct.Anal v.7171 Shaup inequalities and regularity of heat semigroup on infinite dimensional spaces Y.J.Lee
- J.Funct.Anal v.100 Analytic version of test functionals,Fourier transform and a characterization of measures in white noise calculus Y.J.Lee
- J.Funct.Anal v.133 Integral representation of second quantization and its application to white noise analysis Y.J.Lee
- Taiwanese appear An infinite dimensional Heisenberg uncertainty principle Y.J.Lee;A.Stan
- Adv.Math.Suppl.Studies. Academin Press v.3 The complex-wave representation of free Boson field in Topics in Functional Analysis I.E.Segal
- CRC Press A Guide to Distrivution Theory and Fourier Transforms R.Strichartz
- Mathematiocal Foundations of Quantum Mechanics J.Von Neumann