- Acta Math. v.177 Algebracity of holomorphic mappings between real algebraic sets in Cⁿ M.S.Baouendi;P.Ebenfelt;L.P.Rothschild
- Ann.of Math. v.122 On the analyticity of CR mappings M.S.Baouendi;H.Jacobowitz;F.Treves
- Invent.Math. v.93 Germs of CR maps between real analytic hypersurfaces M.S.Baouendi;L.P.Rothschild
- Duke Math.J. v.51 About the holomorphic extension of CR functions on real hypersurfaces in complex space M.S.Baouendi;F.Treves
- Acta Math. v.133 Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds S.S.Chern;J.K.Moser
- Duke Math.J. v.47 A reflection principle for degenerate real hypersurfaces K.Diederich;S.Webster
- Invent.Math. v.73 Analyticity of CR equivalences between some real hypersurfaces in Cⁿ with degenerate Levi forms C.K.Han
- Math.Ann. v.309 Complete differential system for the mappings of CR manifolds of nondegenerate Levi forms
- J.Korean Math.Soc. Equivalence problem and complete system of finite order C.K.Han
- Osaka J.of Math. v.35 On the complete system of finite order for CR mappings and its application A.Hayashimoto
- A reflection principle for real-analytic submanifolds of complex spaces B.Lamel
- Acad.Naz.Lincei v.35 On the boundary behavior of holomorphic mappings H.Lewy
- Applications of Lie groups to differential equations(Second edition) P.J.Olver
- Mat.Sbornik v.98 On the analytic continuation of holomorphic mappings S.I.Pincuk
- Math.USSR Sbornik v.27 On the analytic continuation of holomorphic mappings S.I.Pincuk
- Invent.Math. v.43 On the mapping problem for algebraic real hypersurfaces S.Webster
- Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. v.71 On the reflection principle in several complex variables
- Math.Research Letters v.4 Germs of local automorphism of real analytic CR structures and analytic dependence on k-jets D.Zaitsev